Twisted couple stabbed and torched to death my disabled dad for his PlayStation

The devastated daughter of a dad who was torched to death for his PlayStation asked: “What kind of human kills someone over a games ­console?”

Aimy Brady, 23, spoke out after a warped couple were convicted of ­murdering her ­disabled father Eamon, 44.

Sicko William Vaill, 37, and his girlfriend Deborah Andrews, 44, stabbed and ­battered Eamon, set fire to him and fled with his games console in a bag.

A police chief said the victim had the worst injuries he had seen in his career.

Speaking to the Sunday People, Aimy said: “They mutilated my ­beautiful dad over something so worthless.

"They are monsters. I hope they both die in prison.”

The day before the murder Vaill, known to close friends as Eddy, left a chilling post on his Facebook page hinting at what was to come.

A picture of a grinning Grim Reaper with a bloodied knife carried the message: “The question isn’t who’s going to let me… who’s going to stop me.”

Aimy says the killer pair, who ­pretended to be friends with her dad, robbed and killed him in a pathetic attempt to be as famous as notorious 1930s couple Bonnie and Clyde.

Aimy said: “They were kissing at the back of the police van when they got arrested.

“I’ve heard that Deborah said to William, ‘Do you know who we are now? We are the new Bonnie and Clyde.’

“But they aren’t Bonnie and Clyde. They are two fantasists. They are ­complete and utter idiots.

“I hope they torture themselves for the rest of their lives over what they’ve done.”

Firefighters found Eamon’s charred body at his home in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, last July.

A postmortem revealed he had ­suffered multiple head injuries, stab wounds and had been set on fire.

CCTV footage showed Vaill and Andrews fleeing in the middle of the night with two bags.

They were traced by officers to a ­nearby address.

Police discovered they had sold several items belonging to Eamon, including the £250 games console and a sound system.

Aimy made the painful decision to pay her dad one final visit in the mortuary but says she is now ­haunted by what she saw.

She said: “For months afterwards I couldn’t sleep and I’d wake up screaming seeing my dad’s face.”

Tragic Eamon became close friends with weirdo Vaill ­after meeting him more than two ­decades ago through mutual pals.

Aimy, of Maghull, Merseyside said of Vaill: “I’ve known him my whole life. He was ­always round our house.

“I thought he was cool when I was a child.”

Vaill moved away to Holland but later returned.

Aimy recalled: “He came back into our lives but seemed different. I knew he was bad news.

“He started getting weirder around the time Deborah came in his life.

“They knew each other at school and met again years later.”

Aimy found out about her dad’s horrific death after her cousin sent her a ­private message on Facebook.

She recalled: “I was ­getting ready for work and I got a message to say he had died. At first I thought he died in a fire but when police told me what had happened I was sick.

“I felt so angry and hurt. I can’t ­describe the rage I felt.”

Aimy says the couple made off with her dad’s PlayStation and stereo as well as some Elvis memorabilia.

She said: “He loved that PlayStation. We used to play FIFA on it and he was a massive Manchester United fan.

“My dad was also a massive Elvis fan. If I Could Dream was his favourite song.

“I’ve also heard Vaill took my dad’s clothes and changed into them after he killed him.

“I’ve heard he torched my dad while he was wearing my dad’s suit.

“My dad was disabled. How could he have done this to him? Dad had a drink problem.

"He lost my brother two years ago and his mum – my grandmother – six months before that to an illness.

“He had to have a bypass in both ­arteries in his legs at the start of this year so he had a permanent limp.

Preston crown court heard that when the pair were put into the back of a police van, Vaill and Andrews chillingly referred to themselves as “the new Bonnie and Clyde”.

Aimy attended the court case and heard the harrowing evidence of how her father was ­attacked and killed.

The killers initially pleaded not guilty but Vaill changed his plea and admitted murder along with a charge of arson with intent.

Andrews was found guilty of murder and arson with intent after a trial.

The pair will be sentenced this Friday and face life with a minimum term.

Aimy said: “They have even spoken about having a baby when they were out of prison.”

After the case Detective Inspector Lukmann Mulla said: “Vaill and Andrews are extremely dangerous ­offenders and we ­welcome today’s ­decision at court.

“The pair targeted Mr Brady knowing he was vulnerable.

“While a clear motive for the murder has never been established, what it clear is that they launched a vicious and prolonged attacked causing numerous horrific injuries,”

Det Insp Mulla added: “Mr Brady’s injuries were among the worst I have ever seen in my police career.

“My thoughts remain with his family and friends.

“Vaill and Andrews’s ­actions were wicked, ­cruel and savage.

“Both now face a ­significant period of time in prison.”

Aimy lived 50 miles from her father’s flat at the time of his death.

She had not seen him in around five months before he was murdered.

But the two often kept in touch through text messages and phone calls. Aimy said that the day before the murder her father seemed his normal generous, bubbly self on the phone.

She said: “He called me to say he had transferred £50 into my account.

“He had been doing that every payday for years.”

Tragically, July 19 would not only be the last time Eamon would treat his daughter to the kind ­gesture, but the last time she would hear from him ever again.

Aimy’s family had to launch a fundraising page to pay for Eamon’s funeral.

His heartbroken daughter said: “I hope his killers see my dad’s face every single night as I have done.

“I want it to haunt them.”

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