Top of the crops 2019 – adorable bouffant babies show off their fantastic manes
The jury may still be out on whether Baby Archie Mountbatten-Windsor has inherited his father's ginger hair, but there's no mistaking these babies' INCREDIBLE mains.
Proud parents have been sharing images of their bouffant babes – there are punky up-dos, lustrous bobs and thick crops.
As you can see, many are lucky enough to sport a head of hair that will have many adults gnash their teeth with envy.
Luckily, these lot are so cute, you can't stay jealous for long.
Let's take a look at these serious contenders for Best Baby Hair 2019, where the competition is fierce (and adorable).
Seven-month-old Lylah has been rocking a full head of hair since birth.
Her mum, Lily Summers, told MirrorOnline that they (unsurprisingly) get stopped everywhere they go – "especially with her big eyes."
Kobi-Leigh's proud mum, Ashleigh Hickey, has taken her son to have his hair cut at least three times, but there no keeping his 'do down.
Ashleigh, 27, from Dublin adds: "This is my son at 11 months old with a mop of hair in the first picture and this is him at 16 months with still a mop of hair after having three hair cuts because he was getting told he was like a little girl!"
Baby Minnie-Rae may only be four months, but she's nailed the punky quiff look.
As you can see, she's had a good head of hair since birth.
Mum Louise Wright, from Leeds, reveals that no matter what she does, "it won’t flatten – her hair bounces back up."
One of the younger members of the Big Hair Brigade, five-month-old Seren-Grace has nonetheless still serving up some serious hair game.
Mum Shaani Bellingham, from the north east, describes her smiley bundle as "quite amazing" – and we quite agree!
Frankie Rae and Sophia Ruby
Showing that being cream of the crops often runs in the family is sister act Frankie Rae and Sophia Ruby.
Here's Frankie at just one-month-old.
Not to be outdone, Sophia Ruby has also got an enviable head of hair at six months-old.
Seven month-old Harper-Beau started life with a thick, spiky crop.
Months later, and it's a fabulous fair bob which mum Katie Podgers, from Leicester, is doing a great job of maintaining.
Eliza Sofia
Last but by no means least is little Eliza Sofia, who is now ten months-old.
Her mum, Sophie, from Cardiff says: "She was born with loads of hair it just keeps growing and growing!"
These babies are still competition for Junior Noon who, in 2016 wowed people with his hairdo.
Mum-of-three Chelsea Noon, 32, admitted that shocked passers-by would often stare at her little man, especially at the supermarket.
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