Thug who sprayed ‘acid’ in man’s face then fled to Spain jailed for eight years

A thug who sprayed ‘acid’ in another man’s face after following him home then fled to Spain has been jailed for more than eight years.

David Hudson, 53, forced his way into an address in Leigh, Essex, then sprayed a corrosive liquid from a bottle into 29-year-old James Sanders’ face.

After the horrific attack, Hudson fled the country to Spain, a court heard.

But he resurfaced when he visited the British Consulate in Barcelona on August 16, 2018, claiming he was homeless and wanted to travel back to the UK.

A week later he managed to arrange for a flight home but was arrested upon his arrival back into the country at Stansted Airport.

The victim was then asked by police to pick him out in an identity procedure.

Hudson was charged with throwing a corrosive fluid with intent to burn, maim, disfigure, disable, or cause grievous bodily harm, aggravated burglary and ABH.

The criminal had denied the charges, but was found guilty by a jury on February 8.

He was jailed for eight years and nine months at Basildon Crown Court in Essex today, despite claims from his solicitor he posed a very low risk of danger to the public.

Despite having blurry vision for three days after the attack, on October 5, 2017, Mr Sanders did not suffer any permanent damage.

Joy Lewis, mitigating for Hudson, said: "The seriousness of the incident is reflected in the throwing of a corrosive substance. It only just makes it into an aggravated burglary.

"The defendant had been following the complainant home, and the assault took place just as he passed the threshold into his home.

"If Mr Hudson had caught up to him a few steps before, it would not have taken place in his home.

"He is likely to face a prison sentence today, and when he eventually is released from prison, he will be an elderly man.

"He has not offended for 20 years prior to the incident, and he may not be able to see his terminally ill mother again.

"When he does leave prison, he will pose little danger to anyone."

Addressing Hudson, Recorder Jeremy Brier said his offending was so serious "only a custodial sentence can be justified".

Hudson received eight years and six months for aggravated burglary, and six years for throwing a corrosive substance to run concurrently.

He received three months for actual bodily harm to run consecutively, totalling eight years nine months in prison.

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