Thousands of Brits are signing up for assisted suicide in Switzerland

Nearly 1,500 Brits have signed up to assisted suicide clinics in ­Switzerland to end their own lives.

The two main facilities used by people travelling from the UK have their highest British membership yet – more than a 75% growth combined over the past four years.

British clients of Dignitas stood at 1,341 last year and Life Circle, the country’s second largest clinic used by Brits, had 135 UK members, its highest number to date.

This means the number in the UK signing up for the right to die has hit 1,476.

In 2014 there were 836 British people signed up to Life Circle and Dignitas, meaning the 2018 figures show a 76.5% rise.

It has been estimated by the Assisted Dying Coalition that at least 10 Brits will be members of a third clinic, Ex International.

It has not responded to requests for numbers.

The figures come as the results of a Royal College of Physicians poll of its 35,000 members on whether assisted dying should be made legal here are due out within days.

Pro-assisted dying campaigners believe the rising UK numbers reveal just how many terminally ill Britons are desperate for the right to end their lives.

Tom Davies, of Dignity in Dying, which wants a change to UK law, said: “The fact that membership of Swiss assisted dying organisations is on the rise is further proof the law in the UK is not fit for purpose.

“Clearly a great many people feel the options available at the end of life are not enough to ensure a good death and a growing number are prepared to take matters into their own hands.

“By denying people choice and control over their deaths in this country we are simply outsourcing death to Switzerland and forcing families to shoulder the cost.”

And he is critical that some clients may be forced to travel before they are ready to die, and at a cost of in excess of £10,000. He said: “A good death should not be restricted to those who can afford it, know their way around the system, are able to travel or have families willing to break the law.”

Last year 43 Brits ended their lives in Switzerland at Dignitas and Life Circle. Dignity in Dying estimates a Brit takes their life there every eight days.

Under the 1961 Suicide Act, anyone helping or encouraging someone to take their life could face up to 14 years in prison.

At least 16 people have been probed after taking family members to Swiss assisted suicide clinics, but none has been charged.

Tom Beagley-Spicer, 32, who travelled to Dignitas with his mother Susan Spicer, 56, three years ago, said the fear of ­investigation never goes away. She ended her life in Zurich after losing her mobility and sight because of multiple sclerosis.

He said: “It scared the life out of me. The day Mum died, Dignitas said, ‘You should move hotels in case anything happens.’ From the minute Mum died, the fear tripled.

“Landing back in the UK, each bit of passport control, customs and arrivals, my stress levels were so high.”

Tom, of Fleet, Hants, has felt unable to grieve fully because he has not been able to talk openly of his mum’s death.

He also reveals that to find the £12,000 to cover her clinic fees and travel, his mum, who had been forced to retire in her 30s, needed to take out a high rate loan.

Tom said: “Whereas death isn’t picky if you are rich or poor, a trip to Dignitas is.”

A Mirror survey last year showed 75% of Brits would back a change in the law to allow assisted dying. But campaign group Care Not Killing, which is opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia, said: “If someone is suicidal, they need support.

“Independent evidence shows the majority end their lives because they feel they have become a care burden. The alternative is very clear – fund ­palliative care.”

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