The tech generation turning to the stars

If you've been having a rough few weeks, things could be on the up: Mercury went direct yesterday, ending its triannual retrograde.

I know this not from any chart, or horoscope printed in a magazine, but from taking a scroll through Instagram where people ranging from old school friends to Lisa Origliasso from The Veronicas have been posting about Mercury's recent retrograde in Pisces and what we should make of it.

(For what it's worth, Origliasso – speaking in a series of Instagram stories wearing a Snapchat filter flower crown – thinks the retrograde, known as a period of miscommunication and mishaps, can actually be a positive experience.)

It is all part of millennials' well documented love of astrology; the technology generation turning to the stars.

The new astrology is hip, funny, and found on a smartphone. Among those in their teens and 20s, horoscopes are incredibly popular, even mainstream, with a series of dedicated social media accounts across Facebook and Instagram bringing together astrology lovers hungry for news about their moon and sun signs.

To coincide with the new astrological year last week, Sanctuary Ventures (the US digital media company behind Facebook Messenger's astrology bot) launched a standalone app with the most comprehensive astrological offering on the App Store.

For $30.99 a month – or $309.99 a year – users can access live chat birth chart readings, as well as receive their own "power emoji", a "virtual lucky charm" generated each day. ("When the time comes to use it, you'll know," the app promises.)

The Sanctuary app was created with $US1.5 million ($2.11 million) in seed funding, according to New York magazine, who published this week: "Astrology is serious business, even if it's not real."

Applying the pragmatic "there's an app for that" philosophy to mystical astrology is not a new concept. In 2017, three former fashion industry types started Co-star, the "first ever AI-powered astrology app".

Co-star uses NASA data and AI technology to provide users with real-time updates on their astrological chart, with the additional option for users to keep track of their friends' signs.

It also has an incredibly active social media presence, posting memes and updates to its 380,000 Instagram followers.

Millennials are a generation who have grown up with a greater understanding of science than any of their predecessors. So, are they into astrology because they think it's cool, or because they think it's correct?

Audrey Marsh, 25, uses the Co-star app and follows a number of astrology meme pages on Instagram.

She says she doesn't necessarily believe in astrology ("I believe in science") but she does find it to be "legitimately interesting".

"It makes me feel bonded with my fellow Capricorns," she says.

For Elissa Ratliff, also 25, the appeal of the old school weekly horoscope is still there: she reads hers on Cosmopolitan's website (the publication has really embraced the millennial appetite for astrology, lamenting earlier this month that Pisces season makes everyone "soft as heck") and on Girlboss, the women's website created by Nasty Gal's founder Sophia Amuroso. She also subscribes to an email newsletter by New York astrologer Nadine Jane, who boasts over 100,000 Instagram followers.

"I like it as a guide to what my future might hold," she says, although she admits she may be guilty of reading her horoscope and then turning its predictions into reality.

"It's just a bit of fun and doesn't harm anything. You can take what you want from a horoscope just like you can take what you want from a good article or podcast."

Although it is easy to extrapolate astrology as some sort belief system for a generation increasingly rejecting organised religion (according to census data, 19 per cent of Australians aged under 24 identified as not religious, increasing to 35 per cent in 2016), millennials' fascination with the stars seems to be less committed: they don't always believe their horoscope, but they do find it interesting.

But, what do the old guard think of all this? Do they view memes and chatbots as a welcome addition to the astrology landscape?

Astrologer Kelli Fox, whose horoscopes appear weekly in Sunday Life magazine (and daily online in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age), has been making predictions from the stars for over two decades. She is "not at all" concerned about the rise of astrology meme culture trivialising her work.

"I think it helps to [have people] understand the topic, then move people beyond into the more complex aspects of astrology," she says.

Fox says she is glad millennials are open-minded about astrology.

"This generation are helping us move beyond the formalities of the older generations. At the turn of the century we moved into the Age of Aquarius which is about equality, diversification and a lot less judgement."

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