Strippers on strangest punters – including ‘vampire’ who liked dancers on period

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If you've ever wanted to know the secret behind the scenes at a strip club, two exotic dancers have revealed all.

Buffy and Heaven (their stage names) have performed everywhere from London to Las Vegas and have shared titillating details about their careers.

Originally hailing from North America, Buffy, 39, has called the UK capital home since 2001.

During her 19-year career as a stripper, she has clocked in a staggering 21,888 working hours and 78,432 individual stripteases.

Born and raised in North London, 30-year-old Heaven has been hypnotising men worldwide with her intoxicating party-girl persona since the age of 18.

After training as a professional dancer Heaven set her sights on becoming an international career stripper and never looked back.

The best friends, who started their own podcast Strippers in the Attic (SITA), have shared some of their most outrageous stories with the Daily Star.

Heaven told us: "Some of the strangest things happen in strip clubs – especially the VIP room. I’ve had to pretend to be a Satanist, deal with a hen night in Vegas where a woman was trying to sexually assault me and rode a client who was pretending to be a pig."

One of Buffy's favourite stories is when they both went to Vegas and ended up staying at Extended Stay America.

While it's normally a respectable low budget hotel chain, the one they stayed in was less than glamorous.

"I mean, there were meth heads in reception, our air conditioner was pumping fish smells into the room and a guy was barbecuing meat outside his room on our floor," she explained.

"That’s where it started and it went downhill from there. Our Stripper Resilience episode in season one has the full fat story."

Throughout their career, they've had to deal with a variety of interesting clients but some are more memorable than others.

"[One of the most memorable] is the man the girls called 'the vampire' because he liked to have private dances with girls at certain times of the month," Heaven shared.

Buffy added: "I used to have an old-age-pensioner customer who came in once a week, always told me he was spending his pension on me and when he was leaving would say 'you're the most beautiful girl in the world and I will see you next week… unless, of course, I die.'"

Even though gift-giving is never expected, the duo has received some presents from their clients.

Heaven has been gifted a variety of incredible items, such as Louis Vuitton handbags, Louboutin shoes and perfume.

Her favourite present to date though has been her yoga teacher training course, which was worth over £4,000 from a favourite regular.

Buffy, on the other hand, hasn't been quite as lucky in the gift department.

"My club vibe is pretty stern – Heaven calls me the Destroyer of Fantasies. People tend not to think ‘I am going to buy that lady a present,’" she explained.

"But I did have a client who gave me a necklace that looked like a vulva. He said it reminded him of me. I guess I should have been flattered but let’s just say it went missing pretty quickly."

The friends have known each other for years, first meeting in a London strip club called Browns roughly eight years ago.

"I remember seeing Heaven on stage and thinking she was such a brilliant performer and mind-blowingly beautiful," Buffy shared.

"At the time I had a residency at The Box in Soho where we ran a secret stripper night, so I got her on the team immediately."

Heaven added: "After I began working as a dancer for her erotic theatre company, we became great friends. She’s incredibly loyal and brilliant at organisation."

Both of them are revered in the industry, having worked for a number of years.

Buffy started stripping when she was 18, just after she had been fired from three different waitressing and bar jobs all around the same time.

"My rent was due so I thought, ‘f**k it, I am going to be a stripper.’ I did a lot of research – I’m a perfectionist – and auditioned at the Windmill because it was the oldest in London," Buffy revealed.

"Stripper auditions are always disasters. No one tells you how to get your knickers off on stage and still look sexy."

Heaven was introduced to stripping through a beautiful French girl she met at a nightclub called Slimelight.

She was working at the Sunset Strip in Soho and encouraged Heaven to try.

"I was very into musical theatre, so I auditioned with a bowler hat and a classic kickball change routine. The DJ had to remind me to take my clothes off," Heaven said.

"I still got the job though – I worked at that club for five years."

The dancers' series is described as a “podcast for seasoned professionals and strip club virgins alike,” which the two originally started during lockdown when strip clubs were closed.

They both really missed dancing and seeing each other so they thought it was a good way to bring some of their memories to life.

"We weren’t sure we’d ever get the pleasure of being part of the industry again post-pandemic," Heaven explained.

"Clubs were very hard hit and strippers weren’t eligible for any support. We wanted to record our experiences in case that was the end of them.

"I hope that either reading this or listening to SITA, people who have preconceptions about strippers will have their beliefs challenged through the power of laughter."

Season two of Strippers in the Attic is out now, you can listen on Apple or Spotify.

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