Sophie Turner Visualized Joffrey as Justin Bieber to Get Through 'GoT' Early Seasons

Ahead of the highly anticipated premiere of the final season of Game of Thrones, Rolling Stone released its latest cover Tuesday, featuring two of the show’s most amusing cast members, Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams. And as you may have guessed from the fact that their previous joint interviews have seen the pair open up about their nightly sleepovers while filming—during which they smoke weed, watch “stupid videos,” and sit in the bath—the cover story does not disappoint.

Seeing as the pair is currently in the final throes of being sworn to HBO secrecy, they once again got to talking about their relationship, which Turner has previously described as “the purest form of true, true friendship.” This time around, Williams, who’s already confirmed that she’ll be a bridesmaid in Turner’s upcoming wedding with Joe Jonas, described how their friendship has now escalated to the point that they’re “a nightmare to work with” on set. “Anytime we tried to be serious about anything, it’s just the hardest thing in the world,” she said. “I think they really regretted putting us in scenes together. It was difficult.”

But nothing, it seems, is more difficult for Turner than stopping herself from spoiling the series’s end (for more than the two people she’s already confided in, anyway). Wisely, then, she chose to stick to talking about the show’s past—specifically the second and third seasons, which brought her character, Sansa Stark, to unfortunately close proximity with Joffrey Baratheon, the unusually cruel (even by Game of Thrones standards) boy king who met his fate in a chalice of poisoned wine in the infamous purple wedding in season four.

Before his untimely death at his wedding to Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer), though, Joffrey was initially supposed to wed Sansa, who couldn’t have been more thrilled—at first, anyway. “She sees the world through rose-tinted glasses at the very beginning,” Turner said of Sansa, adding, “She is completely oblivious to who the royal family are.” (In Joffrey’s case, that would be someone who promises Sansa’s father mercy, only to then behead him and make her look at his head on a spike.)

As for how Sansa, let alone Turner, could believably conceive of life as Joffrey’s wife as being akin to that of a princess in a fairytale? The showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss came up with a surprisingly effective solution, making use of the fact that once upon a time Turner was a “Belieber, with a whole wall in my bedroom dedicated to him”—and that Joffrey’s mop of dirty blond hair bears a marked resemblance to quite a few of Justin Bieber’s noted hairstyles.

Left: Justin Bieber. Right: Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Baratheon in Game of Thrones.

“It’s like any Justin Bieber fan—they don’t realize Justin has his darkness about him,” Turner explained of Sansa’s rose-tinted view of the hated Joffrey. “David and [D.B] always told me, ‘Look at Joffrey as if he’s Justin Bieber and imagine that life,’” she recalled.

Clearly, it worked, even teaching Turner a new technique in the process: “That’s the trick—how to get Sophie to act!”

Related: Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams Deal With the Stress of Game of Thrones by Getting High and Sitting in the Bath

May 2009

And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh…

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