Shy bride gets a confidence-boosting makeover from drag queens

Shy bride gets a confidence-boosting makeover from drag queens before they CRASH her wedding ceremony in front of her Amish family

  • A bride-to-be Emily, 24, from Pennsylvania, needs help preparing her wedding
  • Bebe Zahara Bonnet, Jujubee, Thorgy Thor and Alexis Michelle are here to help 
  • Once everything is ready they crash the wedding in full drag and do a show 
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Sometimes it takes four crazy drag queens to work their magic in order to get your dream wedding.  

Shy Emily, 24, from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, invites RuPaul’s former Drag Race contestants Bebe Zahara Benet, Jujubee, Thorgy Thor and Alexis Michelle to help her out of her shell just in time for her wedding to fiance John. 

In tonight’s Drag me Down the Aisle, on TLC, Emily is filled with insecurities, but by the time the queens are done with her, she is ready for her big day and her new friends decide to crash her wedding party in full drag.

The team overcomes several obstacles, including dealing with conservative amish family and her crippling insecurities. 

From left to right: Drag Queens Bbe Zahara Benet, Alexis Michell, Jujubee and Thorgy Thor help bride-to-be Emily, 24 (middle)

The queens help boost Emily’s confidence and give her a new wedding dress, a new look and even crash her wedding party for an impromptu dance session

Emily’s family is a bit confused by the drag queens at first, but warms up to them and the whole wedding party ends up dancing together

At the end of the episode, the queens pack one more surprise for the wedding.  

In her wedding speech Emily admits how helpful the queens have been: ‘None of this would have been really happened without some extra help.’

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And this seems like the right cue for the queens, who have been in the background of the wedding until now: ‘It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for,’ says drag queen Alexis Michelle. 

While Thorgy Thor adds: ‘Emily said she didn’t want a boring wedding.’

The queens alter Emily’s dress so that it hides her arms, which she does not like. The young bride feel much more confident about her looks on the day of her wedding

The queens are then seen erupting in the wedding reception, while they start dancing in line for a short choreography. 

The family of Emily, confused at first, end up warming up to the queens and join them on the dance floor.

At the end, the whole wedding party is dancing together and having fun, including Emily’s hesitant father. 

Emily and fiance John learn to ‘dip’ during her dance lessons and have fun with drag queens Bebe and Thorgy, right 

‘She was just living in that dress,’ gushes Bebe, ‘so divine, so beautiful, like a queen.’

‘Every bride should have queens at her wedding,’ a beaming Emily says at the end of the episode.  

Emily, who works for a pharmaceutical company, was insecure about her body and unhappy about her wedding dress, which shows a lot of her arms, which she hates. 

Bride Emily says ‘every bride should have queens at her wedding,’ at the end of the episode. She has new friends for life

Bebe and Thorgy (left and right) give Emily and fiance John (middle) some dancing lesson ahead of their wedding day

While trying on her wedding dress at the start of the episode, Emily reveals she felt ‘very nervous for everyone to see her,’ and tears up, adding ‘I just don’t feel beautiful.’

Juju, Bebe, Thorgy and Alexis tell her that they relate to her struggle.  ‘We relate to that as sister,’ Bebe tells her, ‘ because we work through it every day.’

Thanks to these unlikely experts, Emily reconnects with her inner queen and beams on her wedding day. 

Drag me down the Aisle airs tonight at 10pm on TLC. 




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