Rose West’s ex-solicitor believes evil killer lured missing teen into Fred’s car

Serial killer Rose West met Fred two years earlier than previously thought – and helped him abduct a teenager when she was just 14, an author believes.

Writer Leo Goatley – Rose's former solicitor – says she may have been an accomplice in the abduction of Mary Bastholm, a young waitress on the way to see her boyfriend.

The 15-year-old disappeared from a bus stop in 1968 and has never been found, reports Gloucestershire Live.

Fred allegedly admitted killing Mary to his son Stephen and to his appropriate adult Janet Leach but in official interviews denied ever being involved.

Mr Goatley believes Rose may have been used to try and lure tragic Mary into a car – a theory never published before.

Mr Goatley spent 12 years as the notorious female killer's solicitor and has now penned 'Noose, Lamella and the Gilded Cage: Understanding Fred and Rose West'.

He believes the pair didn't meet at a bus stop in 1969 as is widely told – and they concocted and rehearsed that story to hide the dark truth.

Mr Goatley says he thinks that the couple actually met two years earlier, in a caravan less than a mile from the then 14-year-old Rose's house in Bishop's Cleeve, Glos.

Wayward teenagers would regularly visit Fred's caravan around that time and suggests it is likely that Rose would have known her future husband much earlier.

Evil Fred committed suicide in prison in 1995 while awaiting trial for 12 charges of murder, aged 53.

Bodies of young women were found at his home on Cromwell Street, a former house on Midland Road and a nearby field in Much Marcle.

Rose was later convicted of 10 counts of murder and is currently serving a full life term at New Hall Prison in Wakefield, West Yorks.

He added that Mary's body could have been disposed of closer to the caravan where Fred was based at the time of her disappearance and points to a small fishing lake as a possible location.

Mr Goatley said: "One other piece of speculative evidence that points to Mary Bastholm being brought to Bishop's Cleeve that appeared in reports was that of a watch found on Tobyfield Road which may have belonged to her."

But Mr Goatley writes that when he first mentioned Mary's name to his then client she was taken aback and simply said: "No, I wouldn't know would I? That was before I was on the scene."

Mary's parents, Doreen and Christian, both died some time ago without ever hearing their daughter's fate.

When asked about the new theory, a spokesman for Gloucestershire Police said: "All reasonable lines of enquiry have been explored in relation to Fred and Rose West and what happened to Mary Bastholm.

"However should any new or compelling evidence come to light we will consider this."

The force ruled out a search for Mary in the basement of a former café in 2012.

The then Chief Constable Tony Melville said: "If there is tangible new information which comes to light and may lead us to Mary’s final resting place we will, of course, consider it in conjunction with the material we already hold."

Rose, 65, announced her intention not to appeal against her convictions in 2001 – while maintaining her innocence.

The infamous house on Cromwell Street along with an adjoining property was demolished in 1996. The site is now occupied by a public footpath.

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