People on Twitter reveal the kindest thing someone has done for them

‘People donated money to keep my baby alive’: Twitter users reveal the kindest things that strangers have ever done for them in heart-rending thread that has left dozens of people in tears

  • The touching Twitter thread began on Monday, March 4
  • Canadian writer Nicole Cliffe asked her followers what the kindest thing anyone has ever done for them is 
  • Since the tweet was posted, 5,000 people have commented on the post, revealing their heartwarming stories 
  • One woman said she was eight months pregnant when she fainted and fell unconscious, before waking up to find a group of strangers helping her 
  • Another user revealed that a stranger gave her a hug when she was alone and nervous in an airport at the age of 17
  • A different user was comforted by a woman who fed her grapes after she fainted on a subway in New York  

A touching Twitter thread has seen thousands of people revealing the kindest things a stranger has ever done for them or said to them.

The heartwarming thread began when Canadian writer Nicole Cliffe asked her followers ‘What is the kindest thing a stranger has done or said to you?’, on Monday, March 4. 

And it wasn’t long before the tear-jerking responses began flooding in, as since the tweet was posted, it has received a whopping 5,000 comments as people reveal their most special stories.

Viral: Since the tweet was posted, people have followed Nicole in telling their heartwarming stories that involve kind things done for them by strangers 

Incredible: Approximately 5,000 people commented on the post as they shared their most special stories that involve a stranger doing something kind for them

Nicole, under the username @Nicole_Cliffe, began by sharing her own personal story that involved a stranger doing something kind for her.

She wrote: ‘One baby of mine used to get airsick and the first time it happened we were just leaving the gate and there was puke all over my pants and the seat cushion so they had to BRING THE PLANE BACK to replace the seat and seatbelt and everyone hated me and…

‘I was standing, covered in puke, holding my now only diaper-clad baby and trying not to cry while business travelers glared at me, and then a flight attendant took my baby and gave me a pair of yoga pants from her carry-on and wrote her address on a napkin so I could mail them back. 

Adorable: Some stories involved people being comforted by strangers in airports (stock image) 

She added: ‘I firmly believe that she will go to heaven no matter what she may do in the rest of her life.’

After Nicole shared her touching story, thousands of others chimed in. 

Twitter user @TweetChizone shared a story of an incident that occurred when he worked at an LGBT bookstore a number of years ago. 

He said that one night during a shift the bookstore received a call from a man who said ‘he thinks he might be gay’ and his considering self-harming. 

The twitter user wrote: ‘We were not a crisis center! But as long as we’re talking, he’s safe, right?

‘So I talk to this guy and I answer questions, and I try to be encouraging and I’m maybe sounding a little frantic and I’m definitely ignoring the 4-5 customers in the store, and this angel of a woman puts her hand on my shoulder and asks for the phone. “My turn,” she says.

‘And SHE, this 50-something lesbian talks to this stranger on the phone. And a LINE FORMS BEHIND HER. Every customer in that store knows that call, knows that feeling, and every person takes a turn talking to that man. That story comforts me so much to this day,’ he added.

A different user told a story about how she was trading stories about ‘hurtful comments from family members’, and she told her dinner date about when she wore maroon colored dress to a wedding, and her mother told her she would ‘look like the side of a barn.’

User @YesItsNicolaC continued: ‘(Welcome to my childhood). At that point, a hot British guy from the next table stood up, came over and said very firmly, “I just want you to know, I think you’re beautiful.” 

‘And he walked off. Never forgot that much-needed support’ she added. 

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Amazing: People shared different kinds of acts of kindness they received from strangers, including deep, meaningful moments 

Another incredible act of kindness that a Twitter user shared in the thread involved a woman, who was eight months pregnant at the time, slipping and falling unconscious before finding a group of people surrounding her, all of whom had covered her in their coats.

User @krausesuzy explained: ‘When I was eight mos pregnant I slipped on some ice and fell, knocked out cold. 

‘When I came to, there was a crowd of strangers around me, all without coats (this was in Saskatchewan, Canada in December). Their coats, I realized, were all on top of me, except the one under my head,’ she said. 

A New York-based writer, @laurenarankin, shared a heartwarming story that arose after she fainted on a subway. 

She said: ‘I fainted on the subway once and a kind, elderly Chinese woman who spoke no English waited with me, held my hand, and fed me grapes while we waited for the EMTs. 

‘When they finally came, she patted my hand three times and put my hand on her heart before leaving,’ she added. 

And while many user’s stories were deep and heartfelt, others were simple everyday gestures. 

User @zoelouisalewis wrote: ‘I was parallel parking and when I got out of the car a homeless guy yelled “HEY… you did a really good job parking”.’  

Beautiful: Others shared some more light-hearted acts of kindness, including one user who was told she parallel parked well 

Similarly, Twitter user @bananafitz added: ‘I also once walked by a burly construction worker who called out, “That colour really works on you!”.’

Another user, user @beamish_girl said: ‘I once sneezed while walking past a construction site, and then received a loud chorus of “bless you!’s. It was awesome.’ 

Twitter user @rebecca_eh told an emotional story that arose when she was alone in an airport.She wrote: ‘I was stranded in an airport alone when I was 17 after my connection was cancelled, I was clearly distressed and needed my mom. 

‘This woman came over and asked if she could give me a hug, and I just bawled into her arms, and she told me it would be ok. I’ll never forget that,’ she said. 

Another user, who found herself in a similar situation, @crosberg said: ‘I ended up in a similar situation at 19, plus it was out of the country. I was completely shell shocked and panicked. 

‘The ticketing agents stayed after their shift was over to make sure I got my bag, hugged me, and pronounced my name right first try. I needed it.’

Similarly, user @hayleygrg added: ‘At 15, I was flying alone for the 1st time. We boarded late, I missed my connection and didn’t know what to do. 

‘My seatmate was a businessman from OK and asked if I was alright. Hearing my predicament, he called his secretary and she changed my flight. I think about it often.’ 

In what was perhaps one of the most heartbreaking stories shared in the Twitter thread, one woman wrote about a time she was kindly offered a seat on a flight home to see her family for Christmas after her original flight had been cancelled. 

Selfless: An amazing story was shared by one user, who revealed that a man who was heading home from the army to see his daughter gave up his flight so she could go home for Christmas 

User @twoscooters wrote: ‘When I was married to my first husband, I had a year-old baby and it was Christmas, and I was flying Delta from Montgomery AL to Columbus OH. Ex was deployed in the UAE and I was tired and depressed and a mess. The flights got delayed due to snow, then cancelled.

‘We ended up sitting around the gate sharing sob stories. One guy was in the army and headed home post-deployment for Christmas to see his little girl. We got to chatting and he was very kind. 

‘Then the announcements: a bunch of people got seats for the next flight, but not me. 

‘My tired daughter was crying; I kept it together and was barely not crying with her. Then the airline rep called my name and gave me a ticket. Army guy gave up his seat for me. I tried to insist he take it to see his family: “Any military husband would do the same for my wife.”

She added: ‘I was able to spend Christmas with my family. He didn’t. I’m still choked up about this 15 years later.’ 

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