Mystery man ‘performed sex act on teenager’s towel in gym changing room’

Police are investigating a teenager's claim that a fellow gym goer performed a sex act into his sports towel in the changing rooms.

Mohammed Ali, 17, left his towel on a wall rail while he went to the loo inside the changing rooms following a work out session.

He said he heard the door outside swing open and heavy footsteps – but thought nothing of it until he found his towel had been soiled by a randy gym-goer.

Furious Mohammed said nobody was in the changing room when he found the towel, and he complained the next day to staff.

He said workers at Pump Gyms in Northampton looked at CCTV and confirmed the stain "wasn't shampoo" and handed the video to police.

Officers from Northamptonshire Police are now investigating.

He said: "I was only one of four people in the gym at that time, I reckon. I went to the toilet for five minutes, and left my towel on a wall rail by the cubicle.

"I didn't hear anybody come in or out — I was too busy on my phone to notice.

"I came out and they'd already left, and as I was washing my hands I noticed my towel had been touched, so I opened it up and had a closer look.

"I could see something white, and at first I thought it was shampoo that had leaked from my bag or something – so I went to touch it and give it a smell.

"It turns out it was what I was hoping it not to be — the person who had come in the changing room while I was in the toilet masturbated on my towel.

"I was so angry, so so so so angry I didn't know what to do.

"I was raging at this guy who came in the changing room and they were struggling to believe me until I showed them, and they said for me to report it to staff.

"I went back to the gym the next day and I find the assistant manager and tell him what happened — and he was as disgusted as I was.

"Thankfully the gym staff have all been extremely supportive throughout this whole incident and have given me good advice."

Waiter Mohammed usually hits the weights between 10pm and 1am to avoid the busy period and said the incident happened at around 1am on May 2.

Mohammed said he was "so so so so angry" and he didn't know what to do – and accidentally erupted at the first person who walked into the changing room.

He claims the manager said he could not hand over the footage but would give the evidence to the police.

Mohammed said he has been left "disgusted and shocked".

A spokesperson for Northamptonshire Police said: "This happened between midnight and 1.30am on 2nd May at a gym in Gladstone Road, Northampton, when a report was made that a man had committed this offence in the changing rooms.

"We have spoken to the victim and are investigating this in partnership with the gym."

Pump Gyms Northampton declined to comment.

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