My wife is addicted to gambling and alcohol and can't control her anger

DEAR DEIDRE:  MY wife gambles 24/7, and when she’s not gambling, she’s shouting at me and the kids.

She gives me no love and affection.

She gets mad if she loses on the gambling site.

She drinks a lot too and then her temper is really bad.

She bought a bottle of vodka the other day and I tipped half of it away and filled it with water.

She went ballistic.

I know it’s not good for the kids to see us fighting like this but if I leave, she might start on them.

I love her though. We are both 35.

DEIDRE SAYS: Your wife is very unhappy but is not going to change unless she gets expert help with whatever her underlying issues are.

For your children’s sake, please don’t walk out but you may be able to motivate her to change by talking about the dreadful effect on them of her drinking, gambling and the rows.

You can find help by getting in touch with Action on Addiction ( or call 0300 030 0659).

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