My husband found explicit texts between me and another man and now can’t climax during sex – The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: SINCE my husband found explicit messages between me and a guy at work, he hasn’t been able to climax during sex.

I’m 43 and my husband is 48. We’ve sons aged 15 and 12.

I guess I felt taken for granted and like a dogsbody when this guy at work started flirting with me. He’s 35.

I should have known better but our messages got sexier until my husband snatched my phone away from me one day and read them.

He said he forgave me but now he never climaxes in bed.

He watches lots of porn to get off instead.

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DEIDRE SAYS: It doesn’t sound like you and your husband really got to the root of the issues between you and worked together to resolve them.

Tell him your sex life can be satisfying again for you both if he will stop using pornography and rebuilds trust and intimacy with you.

My e-leaflet on Saving Your Sex Life explains.

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