Mum warns time is running out for her daughter as wonder drug is denied

When health chiefs meet to discuss a new ‘wonder drug’ this week, they will decide the futures of hundreds of children like Heidi Prescott-Booth.

Since she was diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular condition at the age of three, Heidi’s family have watched helplessly as her ability to walk has slipped away.

And know without treatment she will completely lose her independence.

Her mum Katie said they were given fresh hope when a treatment for the condition was finally developed – but this turned to anger and frustration when it was deemed too expensive for the NHS.

This is despite it being available in more than 20 European countries, including Scotland.

Katie, 33, told Mirror Online: "You’ve got kids dying and wasting away because it’s not available.

"It feels like our children are just numbers.

"Without it she will continue to deteriorate. It’s a progressive disease, it’s not going to stop."

This week Theresa May was challenged in the House of Commons about Heidi’s plight by the family’s local Labour MP, Eleanor Smith. 

Heidi, now 11, from Wolverhampton, has Type 3 Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), which causes debilitating muscle weakness – and around half of those born with it are unable to walk independently by the age of 14.

Children with the most extreme form of SMA – Type 1 – rarely live beyond the age of two, and calls are mounting for the drug, called Spinraza, to be approved before it is too late for them.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) will deliberate next week on whether to recommend Spinraza, developed by pharmaceutical firm Biogen, having last year said the cost was too high.

Katie said: "In the last two years Heidi’s condition has completely deteriorated. She can’t walk, apart from a few steps, and she’s losing strength in her arms.

"She can’t even lift a t-shirt over her head.

"I’ve always been honest with her and told her she wouldn’t be able to walk when she’s older, but none of us thought it would be this sudden.

"I truly believe from what I’ve seen that Spinraza would stop the deterioration and at least maintain what she has now.

"If she loses her ability to transfer herself from her wheelchair she will lose all her independence."

And Katie said it is agonising for Heidi – who longs to become an actress – knowing that a treatment has been developed, but that she is unable to use it.

"It’s not fair," she said.

"When Heidi was diagnosed there was no treatment. We found out about Spinraza in 2015, and it felt like a Christmas present for us all.

"But now the fact that there’s something that can help her but isn’t available makes her angry, it hurts her.

"She can’t understand why she can’t have it."

And Katie continued: "All we can do is try and keep her strong, if we don’t stop her deterioration she won’t be able to stand, the muscles in her legs are really weak.

"She could end up completely wheelchair bound, for a child who used to be able to walk around it’s such a terrible prospect to have to face, and she’s really struggling with it.

"I don’t take her to the park because it upsets her that she can’t do anything there."

Initially medics misdiagnosed Heidi with cerebral palsy, as she was struggling to sit up and found walking difficult.

But genetic testing revealed she had SMA.

"It was really scary," Katie recalled. "At the time we knew nothing about it.

"We were told there was no treatment and no cure. Now there is the prospect of something, but we’re no closer to getting it, it’s so frustrating."

The family’s call comes as others face a race against time to secure the treatment for their children.

Haris Khan, from Manchester, has been told he has just months to live after being diagnosed with Type 1 SMA.

And Shakil Malji, whose baby daughter Maryam has been diagnosed with the same condition, told Mirror Online : "It’s terrible that they’ve got something available that can treat a sick child and they’re not using it because of money."

Last month, the parents of seven-year-old Kennedy Mercer – who also has Type 1 SMA – described how the drug had changed her life .

Kennedy’s dad Paul said Kennedy’s twin brother Karter would still be alive if Spinraza was prescribed from birth.

On March 6 a peaceful demonstration will be held outside the headquarters of NICE in Manchester ahead of a crucial meeting.

It is expected NICE will announce a decision on whether to fund Spinraza on the NHS in England.

Speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, Wolverhampton South West Labour MP Eleanor Smith said: "There is a treatment that could help Heidi to slow down the deterioration and prolong her life. It is called Spinraza.

"It is not available in England, but will be in Scotland from April. Can I ask the Prime Minister, why can’t this treatment be accessible to my constituent, Heidi, and other children in England with this disease?"

Theresa May responded: "I’m sorry to hear that Heidi is in these circumstances. We do have a robust, independent process through the NICE reviews to look at new medicines that are possible.

"This is the case with Spinraza. I’m pleased that Biogen [the company that makes the treatment] has submitted a revised submission for the NICE appraisal committee to consider and that a meeting has been arranged for March 6 under which those recommendations will be considered."

After PMQs , the Labour MP told Mirror Online: “Heidi is spending most of her time in a wheelchair.

"It is a clear that being able to take Spinraza will significantly improve the quality of her life and prolong it.

"NICE should recognise this and approve the treatment and bring England into line with the other parts of the UK. This treatment has to be accessible to Heidi and other people suffering with SMA.”

Rob Burley, Director of Campaigns, Care and Support at Muscular Dystrophy UK, said: “Families are crying out for Spinraza, and continued delays are causing them anguish. Twenty-five European countries, including Scotland, now provide this life-changing treatment, but England, Wales and Northern Ireland are lagging behind.

“Every day counts for people with this condition, and it’s so important that treatment can be accessed quickly. It could make all the difference between a child being able to do things that most people take for granted, like picking something off the floor or climbing up some stairs, and losing independence.

“When NICE meets next week we urge it to do the right thing and approve Spinraza. We also need to see flexibility from the drug company, Biogen, over the cost of the treatment, and compromise on all sides.”

Explaining the decision not to recommend the drug, Meindert Boysen, director of the centre for health technology evaluation at NICE, said last year: “The committee accepted that SMA is both rare and a very serious condition that can have a severe impact on people with it, as well as on family members and carers, and that there is an unmet need for effective treatments.

"The committee was willing to be flexible because of the nature of the condition and the paucity of the evidence, but the very high cost of nusinersen meant it could not recommend the drug as a cost effective use of NHS resources."

In a statement, drug company Biogen said: "The NHS is responsible for treating people living with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in England, and we continue to collaborate with NICE and NHS England to work towards a positive outcome for patients.

"Biogen recognises that the delay in accessing Spinraza (nusinersen) is deeply frustrating and concerning for SMA patients and their families, and we share that concern.

"England is already significantly behind many parts of the world in making nusinersen available."

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