Mum shares trick to reach items at the back of the shelves at the supermarket

There’s something so embarrassing about being too short to reach the back of supermarket shelves.

You try to shimmy an item with whatever long, pointy thing you can find. You jump. You stretch your arms as long as they go.

What if there’s an easier way?

Lorrie Aston reckons there is.

Lorrie, 33, from Sudbury, popped to her local Tesco to pick up some wine for dinner.

When the 5ft 5 mum couldn’t reach the chardonnay on the top shelf, her partner Tom shared a secret trick: pull on the shelf separator to edge the product forward.

It worked a charm, so Lorrie tried it again with a bottle of soda water. Lo and behold, it was a success.

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‘My other half told me he saw a lady do it, so I thought I’d try as the wine I liked was too far back,’ said Lorrie.

‘I showed my friends and all think it’s brilliant.

‘My tip is to pull it slowly so the bottle doesn’t tip forward. You don’t want to waste wine!’

Before you get too excited, be warned: not all supermarkets have these shelf separators.

Plus, you’ll need to be able to reach the end of the separators to pull them out. So for the top shelf, shorter people still might struggle.

Do you have a life-changing hack you fancy sharing?

If so, get in touch by emailing [email protected].

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