Mother breastfeeding toddler says she’s not stopping ‘anytime soon’ – ‘just don’t look’

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Lisa is a mother of two who is now breastfeeding her two-year-old toddler and is not planning to stop “anytime soon”.

Lisa explained: “When I found myself pregnant again and still breastfeeding my one year old I decided not to stop and had an open mind about tandem feeding once the baby was born.”

She said the best thing about breastfeeding “is the one to one time I get with them, or sometimes both at the same time, all is quiet and we get to interact in a unique way”.

“When Cora was born the adaptation period for Alice was made so much easier when I was feeding both of them at the same time.

“When I first saw them holding hands while feeding it was one of the most precious moments of my life,” she explained.

However, there are negatives too.

Lisa explained: “The worst thing about breastfeeding is having a child constantly on you, and no one can help with that, in a way it is beautiful, but can be so overwhelming when being sleep deprived, overtired and having a toddler needing your constant attention.”

The mother-of-two admitted she has had bad experiences and negative comments while breastfeeding her toddler, especially on social media.

“Thankfully not often but someone one day said ‘she is only this attached to you because she still breastfeeds, you can’t expect to have an independent child if she is attached to you like this’.

“Well, if you know Alice, you know how independent, strong-minded she is and knows how to deal well with her emotions.

“About breastfeeding in public, sometimes I get a few over the shoulder looks but I really don’t care if you are uncomfortable with me feeding my child.

“If you see something wrong with that, then just don’t look,” she said.

Lisa continued: “I think everyone is allowed to think whatever they want, but if you think breastfeeding a toddler or child is wrong, just don’t do it and respect the choice of who chose to do so!”

Dayna, a mother of five who has been breastfeeding for 13 years, said “breastfeeding to a natural term (well into toddlerhood) is biologically normal” but admitted she had some bad experiences too.

“I would often have people ask or suggest that I go breastfeed in another room if I fed my baby in front of others.

“I would politely decline.

“I would just give people the energy that they give to me; I’ve had friends experience awful comments which is just shocking as mothers are already going through enough than to hear somebody else’s opinion that has no effect on them whatsoever.”

After breastfeeding for two years and three months, Lisa said: “I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon to be honest.

“But I plan on stopping when it no longer works for me or the children.”

Lisa admitted she would consider breastfeeding until they are six years old, “but I hope they are confident and comfortable enough to be done with that by then”.

Dayna agreed: “Breastfeeding is a mutual relationship and the mother or child may no longer wish to continue feeding for whatever reason. Breastfeeding your child into toddlerhood is completely biologically normal and in fact what nature intended us to do.”

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