Miley Cyrus Sings Her Praises for Mark Ronson at Oscars After Party

Miley Cyrus is singing her praises for friend Mark Ronson at the Vanity Fair after party.

The star couldn’t be prouder of her close friend and coworker Mark Ronson, who won an Oscar award for Best Song at the 2019 Oscars alongside Lady Gaga. “I love seeing friends win whether on a scale like this or just a personal achievement,” she shares with E! News’ Hunter March. “I don’t really gauge things think by what’s like the most massive moment. He has done so many different things, even with “Uptown Funk” or so many songs that have been so massive, so this is just another thing that he has done perfectly and beautifully.”

Plus, she and him are set to work on her next album together, so Miley is excited to see the end result of their labor. “I feel like I’m taken care of,” the newlywed said. 

While Miley heard about her friend’s impressive achievement, she didn’t actually get to watch the Oscars ceremony because she was busy getting glammed up for the Vanity Fair after party. She joked, “Honestly, i’m not the right person to ask. I take about seven hours to get ready.”

But it truly doesn’t take Miley a long time to achieve her beautiful looks. The thing that appears to be eating up her time is her dogs! “I like to play with my dogs in the meantime. So, I had no TV and I was on the floor with my dogs trying to pull myself together so I am not someone great to ask.”

She will catch up on all the big moments from the show after her and hubby Liam Hemsworth leave the Vanity Fair party for their home.

Both of the stars are attending the star-studded party, as they have for the past seven years. She shared that coming to the party “feels like reuniting with family.”

Watch E! News on Monday at 7 p.m. for a recap of the 2019 Oscars.

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