March 9 – On this day: 2 years ago, the world was introduced to Coronavirus

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson was due to chair a high-level meeting as the virus claimed its third UK victim and experts warned that up to 100,000 lives could be lost to Covid. In Italy, 16 million people were put into lockdown in the hard-hit Lombardy region. 46 years ago (1976) Forty three people died, including 15 children, in a cable car crash in the Italian ski resort of Cavalese in the Dolomites.

Disaster struck when the steel support cable broke as the fully-loaded carriage descended from Mount Cermis. It remains the deadliest cable car crash in history. 27 years ago (1995) Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh made a historic visit to Northern Ireland following a ceasefire between Republicans and Loyalists.

Her Majesty had been invited to Armagh to present the city with a royal charter, renewing its city status.

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