Luke Perry’s Daughter Got a Massive Mushroom Tattoo to Honor Him — Here's What It Means

Luke Perry’s only daughter Sophie Perry has found a permanent way to remember her dad after a massive stroke led to his sudden death in March.

The teenage relief volunteer, who turns 19 on June 7, revealed in a video her Instagram story on Tuesday that she had gotten a long tattoo on her right forearm in honor of her father.

Her ink, a mushroom head on her wrist with a long stem flowing up to her inner elbow, ties into the eco-friendly mushroom suit Luke was buried in after he died — which is said to “return your body to the earth without harming the environment.”

“The mushroom is symbolic of my dad,” Sophie explained, pointing her followers to a recent post she had done about the fungus.

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Just five days earlier, on May 3, Sophie had shared a photo of wild mushrooms she saw in the Redwoods. She explained that they now “hold an entirely new meaning” after the suit.

“My dad discovered it, and was more excited by this than I have ever seen him,” she said. “He was buried in this suit, one of his final wishes. They are truly a beautiful thing for this beautiful planet, and I want to share it with all of you.”

The tattoo is just the latest way that Sophie has ensured her father will have a permanent impact.

In late April, she announced that she was officially opening her first preschool in Malawi, where she has been doing volunteer work in the impoverished African communities. The school, she said, would be named after her late father.

Sophie was in Arica when news broke in early March that her father had suffered a stroke. She instantly rushed back home to be by her father’s side before he died at age 52 on March 4.

Now back in Malawi, Sophie told her followers on Instagram, Tuesday, that she misses him “every moment of every day.”

“I will NEVER not miss him,” she wrote.

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Asked to share her favorite memory of her dad, Sophie said on her story, “There are so many, it’s really hard to pick.”

“One that isn’t super personal and super sweet, when I was a kid we would go to the Santa Monica Pier and ride the sea dragon. And when I was scared, he would sing ‘A Whole New World’ from Aladdin to me. And … yeah …”

Just one day after Luke’s death, Sophie spoke out about losing her father on social media.

“A lot has happened in this past week for me,” she captioned her Instagram post of the two. “Everything is happening so fast. I made it back from Malawi just in time to be here with my family, And in the past 24 hours I have received an overwhelming amount of love and support.”

“I cannot individually respond to the hundreds of beautiful and heartfelt messages, but I see them, and appreciate you all for sending positivity to my family and I,” she continued. “I’m not really sure what to say or do in this situation, it’s something you aren’t ever given a lesson on how to handle, especially when it’s all happening in the public eye. So [bear] with me and know that I am grateful for all the love. Just, being grateful quietly.”

Since then, Sophie has been open with her followers about her grieving process, sharing that although she is mourning in private, she’s still continuing to celebrate life — just as the actor would have wanted her to.

“I’m here to say that I did not ask for this attention, I did not ask to be thrown into some virtual spotlight, and while I don’t mean to offend anybody, I’m also not going to cater to anyone else’s needs and beliefs,” she wrote on Instagram on March 11.

“YES I am hurt and sad and crying and beside myself with what happened to my dad. It’s the worst thing to ever happen in my life. And I am torn the f— up over it. But I’m not going to sit in my room and cry day in and day out until the internet has deemed it appropriate for me to do otherwise. And if you knew my dad you would know he wouldn’t want me to. So you shouldn’t either.”

Luke shared both Sophie and son Jack, 21, with ex Rachel “Minnie” Sharp.

This article originally appeared on People. For more stories like this, visit

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