Juliette Binoche Starrer ‘Between Two Worlds’ Boarded by France TV Distribution (EXCLUSIVE)

France TV Distribution, the commercial arm of French broadcaster France Televisions, has boarded popular French writer-director Emmanuel Carrere’s “Between Two Worlds,” a drama headlined by Juliette Binoche and based on a bestseller.

Adapted from Florence Aubenas’ “Le Quai de Ouistreham,” “Between Two Worlds” stars Binoche as Marianne Winckler, a well-known author who decides to write a book on job insecurity and sets off to experience it firsthand. As she becomes a cleaning lady, she discovers a precarious life and finds herself invisible in society, but also forges genuine bonds with some of her companions in misfortune. These friendships are put to the test when the truth comes out.

“Between Two Worlds” is produced by Curiosa Films and Cine France Studios, in co-production with France Televisions. The film just wrapped shooting and will be released by Mars Films during the first half of 2020.

France TV Distribution re-launched a sales division dedicated feature-length films in 2017 with the ambition to handle only a few high-profile titles from well-known French or European auteurs, such as Jean Becker with “The Red Collar”; Nicole Garcia with “Lisa Redler” (working title), a drama starring Stacy Martin; and Andre Techine with “Farewell to the Night,” starring Catherine Deneuve.

“‘Between Two Worlds’ fits into France TV Distribution’s editorial line as it’s driven by a high-profile writer-director, features a prestigious cast and is definitely appealing to international audiences and festivals,” said Catherine Bernard, the co-managing director of France TV Distribution.

Besides the appeal of Binoche, the project is also based on a book that sold around the world, said Christel Delahaye, the head of acquisitions at France TV Distribution.

“Between Two Worlds” is a contemporary film shedding light on underprivileged people who are living on the margins of society. It’s a social theme that will resonate in Europe,” said Julia Schulte, head of international sales at France TV Distribution.

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