I've been accused of raping my ex-boyfriend on holiday and I'm horrified

We both had a lot to drink one night and got into an argument. He came to my room to apologise and we both fell asleep. I woke up in the night to him kissing me and we had sex. I thought nothing of it the next morning but one of the girls said I had raped him. I was horrified.

My ex told me he had set the record straight with everyone but the rest of the trip was awful, as my ex was all over this other girl, my accuser.

They also accused me of stealing cash from them. I feel sick at the lies. I want to forget I ever met these vile people.

DEIDRE SAYS:  Your ex didn’t see you as taking advantage and this sounds as though the others were just looking for trouble.

These people aren’t real friends. It’s left you feeling devastated.

Talk over what led to such a grim experience so you can learn for the future.

Contact The Mix who help under 25s (themix.org.uk, 0808 808 4994).

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