ISIS bride Shamima Begum pleads for ‘mercy’ and says she’s ‘willing to change’

ISIS Bride Shamima Begum has pleaded for mercy and says she is ‘willing to change’ after being stripped of her British citizenship, according to reports.

She told Sky News she wants British politicians to re-evaluate her case with ‘more mercy in their hearts’.

The 19-year-old, who recently gave birth to a baby boy, reportedly says her newborn is unwell and she won’t let him come back to the UK on his own.

"I would like them (British politicians) to re-evaluate my case with a bit more mercy in their heart, you know," she said in the Sky interview.

Ms Begum added: "I am willing to change."

She claimed she was struggling to get supplies and was having to run around and take care of her son, saying that she is ‘sick’.

The ISIS bride also claimed her son was ill and said there isn’t much she can do for him, according to reports.

Earlier in the week it emerged Ms Begum’s family had been told she would be deprived of her British citizenship in a letter from the Home Office, seen by ITV news.

The letter reportedly reads: "Please find enclosed papers that relate to a decision taken by the Home Secretary, to deprive your daughter, Shamima Begum, of her British citizenship.

"In light of the circumstances of your daughter, the notice of the Home Secretary’s decision has been served of file today (19th February), and the order removing her British citizenship has subsequently been made."

Yesterday Ms Begum was shown a copy of the Home Office letter.

She told ITV News: "I don’t know what to say. I am not that shocked but I am a bit shocked."

The teenager said she was upset and found it frustrating, adding that it was ‘unjust’ on her and her baby.

There had been speculation that Ms Begum, who is of Bangladeshi heritage, may have citizenship there but its minister of state for foreign affairs Shahriar Alam denied this.

A statement tweeted by the minister said: "The Government of Bangladesh is deeply concerned that she has been erroneously identified as a holder of dual citizenship shared with Bangladesh alongside her birthplace, the United Kingdom.

"Bangladesh asserts that Ms Shamima Begum is not a Bangladeshi citizen. She is a British citizen by birth and has never applied for dual nationality with Bangladesh.

"It may also be mentioned that she never visited Bangladesh in the past despite her parental lineage.

"So, there is no question of her being allowed to enter into Bangladesh."

The UK may not be able to revoke ISIS bride Shamima Begum’s British citizenship as planned.

A person can only be stripped of their citizenship if they have dual nationality, and a suspect cannot be left stateless (with no citizenship at all).

Barrister David Anderson QC, who previously served as the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, has told Birmingham Live : "Those born as British citizens who are not dual nationals cannot be stripped of their citizenship in any circumstances."

Meanwhile, UK Home Secretary Sajid Javid suggested the action to prevent Ms Begum returning will have no impact on her baby son’s nationality.

While insisting he could not discuss individual cases, he earlier told the Commons: "Children should not suffer.

"So, if a parent does lose their British citizenship, it does not affect the rights of their child."

He also delivered a staunch defence of the Government’s ability to use the citizenship powers to prevent the return of "dangerous individuals".

He told MPs that the step was never taken lightly, adding: "But when someone turns their back on the fundamental values and supports terror, they don’t have an automatic right to return to the UK.

"We must put the safety and security of our country first and I will not hesitate to act to protect it."

Shamima was was one of three schoolgirls to leave Bethnal Green to join the terror cult in 2015 and resurfaced heavily pregnant at a Syrian refugee camp last week.

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