Human ‘parking spots’ seen at Domino Park for social distancing

Brooklyn’s Domino Park, known for its prime riverfront view looking out to the Manhattan skyline, is a hot spot for perching — and now parking.

A video uploaded Friday on Twitter shows chalk-white human “parking spot” circles arranged in rows of fours along the river-facing grass. No, it isn’t an art installation; these circles, many feet apart from one another, are meant to enforce social distancing as the weather improves and more stuck-at-home New Yorkers seek fresh air while COVID-19 concerns remain.

“Looking at those circular human parking spaces in Domino made me think, if you were to take video footage from the world today and show it to someone from 2019, they would think it was from some near-future Hollywood dystopian television show instead of real life,” the video’s uploader, Jennifer Lee, tells The Post.

The video, filmed Friday around noon, shows one person seated in a lawn chair inside a circle, while someone else right in front of her reads a book. Other people inside their bounds can be seen exercising: One woman does ab crunches, while a man in workout clothing stretches his legs and hips.

Early this month, as The Post reported, the NYPD began limiting entry at two city parks — including Domino — that saw crowds of people gather when the previous weekend’s temperatures rose into the 70s.

“Hotter ticket than [the High Line] loungers,” says one commenter of the popular Manhattan park, while another says, “Brilliant!”

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