How long you should keep your sick child off school for each common illness

When your child gets sick, your first thought is for their welfare and recovery.

If they are in school or nursery, however, it’s important to also consider the other kids they’ll be coming into contact with.

After all, kids do love to share – and this extends to colds, infections, viruses, you name it.

So when is it OK to send your little one back to school, nursery or daycare? When are they "contagion free"?

It largely depends on the illness which they’ve been recovering from.

Luckily, the Vale Royal CCG have put together the most common childhood complaints and advised for each when it’s safe to send them back to school.

Illnesses such as glandular fever, hand, foot and mouth, conjunctivitis, slapped cheek, head lice , tonsillitis and threadworms don’t necessarily mean your child needs to stay home.

However, the NHS does recommend you inform your child’s school or nursery.

The ones you do need to be mindful are as follows:

Chicken pox – child can return when all the spots have crusted over.

Diarrhoea and vomiting – 48 hours from last episode.

Impetigo – when lesions are crusted and healed or 48 hours after commencing antibiotics.

Measles or German measles – four days from onset of rash.

Mumps – five days from onset of swelling.

Scabies – after first treatment.

Scarlet fever – 24 hours after commencing antibiotics.

Whooping cough – 48 hours after commencing antibiotics.

Flu – until recovered.

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