Five anti-racism charities you can donate money to now

Following George Floyd’s death, the Black man who died in the US after a police officer knelt on his neck, the Black Lives Matter movement has seen renewed support.

The incident has also seen protests across the globe, including in London’s Hyde Park, where on Wednesday (4 June), people attended to voice their anger and frustration, and call for change.

However, given the current lockdown in the UK, not everyone feels comfortable leaving their home to take part – and so some are instead taking to social media to show their support instead.

Others are donating funds directly to the cause.

If you’d like to give a few pounds – or indeed even more – we have rounded up eight anti-racism charities and organisations here in the UK, so that you can put your money where your mouth is.

Black Lives Matter UK

In just three days, Black Lives Matter UK has raised £439, 643 out of its £500,000 target.

‘Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK) is a coalition of Black activists and organisers across the UK,’ the GoFundMe page description reads.

‘We’ve been organising since 2016 for justice in our communities. 

‘We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm Black people in Britain and around the world.’

The organisation has also outlined how the funds will be used, including pushing for changes in the law to support Black people, developing and distributing educational resources, training, police monitoring and much more.

Some of the money has also been earmarked to support the United Family & Friends Campaign (UFFC) in ‘accessing justice for friends and loved ones killed at the hands of British police’, as well as provide help for Black communities that have suffered the worst in the pandemic.

Belly Mujinga’s Memorial Fund

Belly Mujinga was a 47-year-old Black railway worker who died as a result of Covid-19 on 5 April 2020.

While she was at work at London’s Victoria station, a man spat and coughed in Belly’s face, with many alleging that this is the reason she died.

British Transport Police investigated the incident and said it did not lead to her death, however, The Crown Prosecution Service has been asked to review the evidence further, due to the extensive public interest in the case.

The GoFundMe page was set up by a representative from the station on behalf of Belly’s family, with an initial goal of £1,000.

At the time of writing, the amount raised stands at £190,009.

Black Minds Matter

A few days ago, a Black woman wrote exclusively for about how the current news cycle around racism is affecting her mental health.

‘We’re expected to deal with police brutality, racism, discrimination and keep strong at all times,’ Leah Sinclair, a freelance journalist, wrote.

‘But no one is built or expected to withstand that except us and there are moments when we need to step back for our own sake.’

Black Minds Matter provides free therapy for Black people and their families with Black certified mental health professionals.

To support the charity’s work, you can donate to its current fundraiser. The aim is to hit £200,000 – so far, £141,450 has been raised.

Black Protest Legal Support UK

This campaign, which offers free legal advice and representation for the UK’s Black Lives Matter activists and protesters, had a modest goal of just £300.

As with most of the other causes on our list, it has smashed its target with the amount raised standing at £30,987 at present.

The next march in the UK is due to take place this coming Sunday (7 June) and there will be a group of ‘legal observers’ from the organisation at the event.

Stop Hate UK

Finally, there is Stop Hate UK, which launched in 1995, operating as a ‘service for victims of racial harassment’ – and in response to the murder of Stephen Lawrence, a Black man who was stabbed to death in an unprovoked attack in 1993.

The organisation has an ongoing fundraising campaign to keep it going, including running its Stop Hate Line – a helpline for victims and witnesses of racism in the UK.

A donation of £35 will help run the phone line for an hour, while £150 will support five hours of ‘additional advocacy support to a victim of Hate Crime’.

Meanwhile, £4,000 means Stop Hate UK can run awareness sessions in up to eight schools, to educate young people about racism.

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