Easy slow cooker recipe for Baileys Maltesers fudge – with only 5 ingredients

A woman revealed her easy cooking recipe for Baileys Maltesers fudge and all it needs is a slow cooker and five ingredients.

Posting on Facebook , in the Slow Cooker Recipes And Tips group, the social media user shared her steps to whipping up the treat.

All you need is milk chocolate, condensed milk and vanilla essence, as well as the best bits – Baileys and Maltesers.

Captioning a photo of the dessert in a baking tray, she wrote: “Now to drink the rest of this [Baileys] and wait for the fudge to set.”

To make the tasty dish, you need to combine the milk chocolate as well as the condensed milk and vanilla essence in a slow cooker.

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Then the woman stirred the mix every 15 minutes until it was thickened, before adding the Baileys drink into a cake tin lined with baking paper.

Finally, she topped it with Maltesers and placed it in the fridge to set overnight before tucking in.

Since she shared the recipe, it secured over 650 shares and around 640 comments from members of the Facebook group.

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One wrote: “This is the best fudge recipe, I found it on a cooking page for easy kid friendly cooking about three years ago and it works every time, well worth a try.”

Another commented: “Have made this, and it was pretty amazing, I used 3/4 of a cup of Baileys though. 1 or 2 shot glasses is a bit childish.”

A third praised: “Oh my goodness that sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing.”

While a fourth said: “Wow. Just a photo says ‘yummy’.”

  • Cooking

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