Disabled woman on mobility scooter left stranded on busy A road for 30 minutes

A disabled woman says she was left stranded on her mobility scooter in the middle of a busy A road for 30 minutes thanks to an "idiot" driver.

Sheila Gatehouse said she was cold and frustrated while trapped on the dual carriageway due to a parked Vauxhall Astra blocking the dropped kerb of a pedestrian crossing.

She claims the car may have belonged to an NHS worker.

The 64-year-old, who was leaving the hospital after battling a chest infection and the flu, said she couldn’t turn around, so she called the police for help.

Mrs Gatehouse, from Clayton, Staffordshire, was finally saved when two "big, strong" passers-by picked up the scooter and carried it to the opposite pavement, Stoke-on-Trent Live reports.

By that point, she said, she had been stuck in the island in the middle of the A34 for half an hour.

Mrs Gatehouse had been to the Royal Stoke University Hospital for a follow-up appointment after spending two weeks there with a chest infection and the flu.

She said: “I was going for a check-up in the heart and lung department. When I got there, the car wasn’t on the crossing.

“After my appointment, I was on the pelican crossing opposite Entrance One, on the A34.

"I got to the central reservation and I saw the car.

"There was no point trying to cross any further because I knew I wouldn’t be able to get up the kerb.

“I was there for half an hour. It was freezing and I was getting so frustrated.

"I couldn’t go back, I had traffic coming on both sides of me. I just wanted to get home.”

Mrs Gatehouse said she called the police on 101 for help and was told there would be a wait before anyone would arrive.

She said of the January 21 incident: “In the end, two strangers who were crossing helped me.

"They were two big, strong men – they needed to be because they lifted my scooter with me on it.

"I’m very grateful to them, I don’t know what I would have done without them."

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She said of the Astra: “The car was parked all across the crossing, on the pavement and on the road.

"It had a sticker in the window that said something like they worked for the NHS and were exempt, but that doesn’t give them the right to park like that.

“Whoever did it is an idiot, it should have been towed away.”

The Highway Code prohibits drivers from stopping or parking in places where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles.

Andy Day, coordinator at North Staffs Pensioners’ Convention, said: “I would issue a plea to people who are able-bodied and do not have to think about things like this for themselves to think about the needs of others who are less able to get about.

“Please be mindful of the difficulties some people have.”

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