Dicey Topics: Martin Benn talks bodies, death and money

Each week, Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week he talks to Martin Benn. The English-born chef, 45, is regarded as one of Australia's best. He co-owned Sydney's Sepia – a three-hatted restaurant, the Good Food Guide's highest honour – for a decade, before moving to Melbourne late last year.

Martin Benn: “I always had this passion for cooking things, like Sunday lunch with my mum.” Credit:Eddie Jim


You bought cookbooks as a child. Do you remember your first one?

[English celebrity cook] Keith Floyd was one of my heroes as a child, and he used to release magazines and recipe pamphlets for Tesco. I was very keen on buying all the Keith Floyd series, so that's what I did.

What was the appeal of cookbooks generally?

I was just drawn to cooking. I always had this passion for cooking things, like Sunday lunch with my mum, rustling around and making desserts and sweets. I'd see these covers of these books and I'd get really excited. I had a little bit of pocket money and that's pretty much what I spent my money on. I didn't spend my money on sweets and stuff, like most kids did.

You're planning to open a new restaurant in 2020 in Melbourne with businessman Chris Lucas and your partner Vicki Wild. What kind of capital do you need to open a new restaurant?

If you want to make everything super-luxe, it costs money. That's a lot more money than I have. It's very difficult to make money in a small restaurant, so going in with the Lucas Group gives us the financial backing in areas like human resources and public relations, all that kind of stuff.

Does spending more money guarantee a better meal?

Not at all. And everyone should be treated the same, because they're coming in for the same experience. Some people might save up for a whole year to go to a high-end restaurant for their anniversary, so you can't let them down.

What's your favourite cheap thing to eat?

We're in a bit of a pizza-fest at the moment around Melbourne; we're going around doing pizza research. Not that I'm opening a pizza restaurant! But it's great to go out to have a bite to eat, at a reasonable price, and be satisfied.

… And favourite place to splurge?

Japan. Sushi is expensive, especially if you're going for a high-end, three-Michelin-star kind of experience.


You closed the doors to Sepia last year after a decade. Did that feel like a death to you?

Well, it could actually feel like a life sentence.

What do you mean?

When you have a restaurant and you get three hats, you embrace it – but then you have to maintain that level all the time. The amount of commitment you have to put into that is phenomenal; it can become your life, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Do I miss that? Some part of me does. I do miss that adrenalin, that pump, that complete focus. But in a way, closing the restaurant made me think, "It's time to change." Funnily, if I go to my tarot card reader, Death seems to be the only card that comes up.

What does it mean when Death comes up in the deck?

I think it means it's time to change, to do something different.

So it's not about death, so much as regeneration?

Absolutely. I want to do restaurants again, but I want to look at them in a different way. I don't want to do Sepia again. What it's going to be? I can't reveal that.

Have you ever killed anything you've cooked?

Wild boar. It was pretty horrific. Before I came to Australia, I travelled through Europe, then Kenya and down to Tanzania. On that African trip, I went out with a group of people and we basically drove around in a big truck, camped out under the stars and had to fend for ourselves – go to the markets and get our own food. There was an opportunity to have wild boar. They said, "Does anyone want to take it on?" So I took the reins on that one. Locals had to hold it down while I slit the throat. It was probably one of the hardest things I've actually done … and heard.

You didn't become a vegetarian after that?

No. But it gives you a perspective and understanding of where food comes from. It's important to understand meat doesn't come in a packet. The same goes for fish.

What's your ideal last meal?

Really good tomatoes, bread and great butter, with some salt. Very simple. And really good washed-rind and triple-cream cheese. A nice glass of champagne wouldn't hurt. The simplest pleasures in life are what it's about.


People who work in kitchens accrue scars from cuts and burns. Tell me about yours.

There's one on the middle finger of my left hand. When I was 17, at college – catering school – in England, I was told to slice a block of cheddar up. As I pushed the knife down, I had my finger underneath the blade and it went straight through my finger. The whole thing was hanging off.

Oh god, I can feel it as you're saying it.

[Laughs] I have no feeling in that finger. Another was when I was working in London. I had a cheap chef's knife, and I went to crush some garlic and pushed the end of the blade on the bench. The knife shot up and went into my wrist. Right near a couple of veins. That was pretty awful. And as a young chef, I had burn marks all up my arms.

Okay, let's maybe stop talking about scars. What's one bad-for-you-vice you're not prepared to give up?

Chocolate Paddlepops and Oreos. And that's why I'm looking into shapewear for men.

[email protected]

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