Can you really maintain a friendship with your ex?

After a breakup, any number of things can happen. If it's bitter, you may never wish to see your ex again. If the chemistry fizzled, you could find a friendship blooming in its place. And if you're blindsided by your partner calling it quits, you may be left fuming. But with time, even the nastiest splits can lead to friendship.

It's not always smooth sailing, though, warns relationship coach Pauline Ryeland. When a couple splits, she says, individuals are often hurt and angry. "Egos are crushed and people respond in a reactive way which is never productive or conducive to moving forward."

To move into the field of friendship the key is remaining civil and respectful, with ample communication. Credit:Shutterstock

To move into the field of friendship, she adds, the key is remaining civil and respectful, with ample communication. Ideally, communication lines would be wide open during the demise of the relationship, so each party can create agreements with the other on everything from financial and living arrangements to caring for children. "It can be done," says Ryeland, especially when parents wish to set a good example for their children.

But even if communication breaks down along with the relationship, a friendship can be salvaged. "The most important thing," Ryland adds, "is to acknowledge the emotions and thoughts that come regarding the ex-partner, and how you work with that."

Sunday Life spoke to three couples who disentangled themselves romantically, and then moved on to form lasting friendships.

"My children deserved intelligent and adult parents to get over themselves."

Tracey Markos, 55, is a business owner, and George Markos, 63, is an entrepreneur and the chairman of various companies.

Tracey and George were married for 25 years before they split. While the relationship was passionate to begin, with love letters and poems flying between them, stresses relating to finances and child-rearing soon arose.

The last few years of their marriage saw both partners having affairs, with George moving into the spare bedroom and the pair sputtering along with minimal affection.

Things reached a boiling point when Tracey popped over to a friend's house one day and came back to find that, with no explanation, George had upped and gone. "And he didn't come back," she says. "He literally did not come back."

To be close to their children, George rented a granny flat five houses up the road from Tracey. At first, the pair tried to stay amicable. But when Tracey discovered that George had moved in with the woman he'd been seeing while they were married, she was gutted. "It just highlighted how much of a stranger this man had become, and how many secrets he'd kept."

For a handful of years, Tracey couldn't bear the thought of being friends with George. "I was jealous that he'd been making my life hell, yet he had all this other life filled with happiness." While George would have liked to be closer to Tracey, he understood her pain.

As time wore on, Tracey decided that, for the sake of their children, the pair needed to be on better terms. "My children deserved intelligent and adult parents to get their shit together and get over themselves. So I did."

She was also sick of her anger, and didn't want to use George as a "scapegoat" for why her life wasn't working out as planned. She'd been a stay-at-home mother for the duration of her marriage, she then launched her own business after they split.

While it wasn't easy, Tracey made an effort not to pick fights with George about things that had no impact on her and began including him in family events. George readily stepped up to the plate. He was there for Tracey when her sister was dying, has helped her move house, paid for her new car, and spends Christmases with her and the kids.

"It's not easy and I don't know too many people who are friends [with their ex]," says George, who believes that just because the relationship ended, their friendship didn't have to be destroyed. The pair chat at least twice a week and have a strong mutual respect for each other.

"I know there's stuff he doesn't tell me, but then he doesn't tell his kids or his family, either," says Tracey. "That is George and I accept that is how he is now. For better or worse, I guess. He's a good man with a good heart."

"We just get on like a house on fire. We wake up and go to a cafe together."

Jade Kennedy, 38, is a personal trainer and gym owner, and Luke Kennedy, 32, is a motivational speaker.

Luke and Jade met when they were both students at personal training college. There was a strong attraction and the pair soon struck up a relationship that saw them moving in together after a few months, with Luke proposing soon after.

Jade didn't hesitate to say yes: "We laughed a lot, we got on really well … it was just easy between us." The relationship was smooth, but soon after they married their passion dwindled. The strain of starting a business together, combined with 4.30am starts and financial worries, meant sex took a back seat.

The couple tried to reignite those early flames, to no avail. Three years after they wed, Jade and Luke mutually decided to end their relationship.

"No one wants to feel like they're failing in a marriage, but when you intuitively know there's something missing, you don't have to ride out these times when you feel it's not working," says Jade. While the conversation was painful, she says she and Luke "left our egos at the door" and spoke honestly.

"There were a lot of tears and crying and hugging," says Luke. But there was no animosity, nor any question about whether they would remain friends. They still loved each other; they were just no longer in love. They both felt that moving past feelings of attachment for each other would enable them to continue as friends.

That friendship deepened when they became flatmates a year ago. Living together again has been remarkably easy for the ex-spouses. "We just get on like a house on fire," says Luke. "We eat dinner together, wake up and go to a cafe together."

They bring new romantic interests home with no issue, with Jade even likening their current relationship to being like siblings. Mind you, she jokes that she hasn't had many boyfriends since their split, musing that telling potential partners you live with your ex-husband may be off-putting. However, she's quick to add that anyone who meets Luke and sees how their relationship works instantly feels at ease.

While there was never any question about the pair remaining on good terms, each fondly regards the other as their best friend. "For us it's been such a nice experience," says Jade. "You hear so many horrible stories, and you've got to get to a stage in this life where you just move past all this bullshit and just let each other be. That's how Luke and I live."

"I'd always hear my mum saying, 'Go on, Pauly, do it for the kids.' "

Paulette McCormack, 46, is a university lecturer and business owner, and Mark McCormack, 46, is a retail manager.

Paulette was a 23-year-old New Zealander on a gap year in the UK when she met Mark. The pair hit it off instantly and life soon followed a neat trajectory: marriage, then a baby.

But everything changed when Paulette's mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Devastated, a pregnant Paulette scooped up her young daughter and flew to New Zealand to be with her mother, leaving Mark behind for three months.

Within months of Paulette returning to the UK and giving birth to her second baby, she suffered the loss of both her beloved grandmother and her mother. Understandably, she was swamped by grief: "People would describe me as a bit of a robot. I just got through the days as best I could."

While Paulette was in pain, Mark was going through his own battles. He felt the pair had "really grown apart" and ultimately made the agonising decision to leave.

"I hated him, I absolutely hated him for what he did," says Paulette. "When I most needed someone in my life, that person walked away." Her anger persisted until she decided to move to Australia five years later. (She chose Australia so she would be as far away as possible from Mark, who had a fear of flying.)

At first, the pair only stayed in contact through Skype once a fortnight, when Mark spoke to his daughters. But when Mark did a course to overcome his fear of flying so he could come to Australia, Paulette was impressed.

She'd also started toying with the idea it was time to "suck it up" and be more understanding of Mark, for the sake of her children. "I'd always hear my mum sitting on my shoulder saying, 'Go on, Pauly, do it for the kids.' "

When Mark arrived in Australia, Paulette noticed there was no longer tension between them. "Over time, we sort of just got better and better." Since then, Mark has visited a handful of times and, with each visit, their bond grows. On his most recent trip, Mark and Paulette went away together with their girls, along with Paulette's partner, Craig.

Watching Mark and Craig drinking whisky and doing a puzzle together left Paulette "gobsmacked" at how far they've come. "For me it felt quite normal," says Mark. "Like going away with an old friend, really."

The pair are now in regular contact, with Paulette planning a trip to visit Mark next year with their children and Craig. She's moved past what happened and can see how much strain their relationship was under.

Her advice for others wishing to form a friendship with their ex is simple: "You fell in love with a person for a reason, so find that reason again and just all get on. It's not hard if you can do that."

This article appears in Sunday Life magazine within the Sun-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale February 17.

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