Boyfriend may be having trouble in bed because of his steroid addiction

DEAR DEIDRE: MY boyfriend and I got together because we fancied each other like mad.

But the sex is not good and it’s getting worse.

I am 24. He is 26 and he does not have much body confidence. He has always taken steroids.

He sweats a lot during sex. This can put me off.

On top of this, he struggles to finish, which makes me feel very insecure and I get bored.

I have mentioned I think the steroids are affecting us but he blames other things, like the room being too hot.

DEIDRE SAYS: You are right to suspect his steroid habit.

Steroids can cause excessive sweating and delayed ejaculation.

That’s why they are prescription-only drugs and I guess your boyfriend is misusing them.

He must come off them but will need help. My e-leaflet Are Steroids Safe? can help convince him. For support talk to FRANK (

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