Alyssa Milano explains sex strike: ‘Extreme response’ was needed to get national attention

Alyssa Milano is explaining the reasoning behind her controversial sex strike in a CNN op-ed.

In a Saturday social media post, the actress and activist, 46, proposed that women protest controversial new anti-abortion laws by denying men sex. 

“Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy,” she wrote in her original tweet. “JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.

In the CNN essay, published Monday and co-written with fellow activist Waleisah Wilson, Milano said her sex-strike post accomplished its goal: to spark powerful responses.

“It got the country talking about the GOP’s undeniable war on women. And let’s face it, with so much going on every day in the news, sometimes we need an extreme response to get national attention,” the op-ed reads. “So now that we have your attention: Our reproductive rights are blatantly and systematically being stripped away before our very eyes.”

The piece then outlined recent legislation surrounding abortion, including Georgia’s new “heartbeat bill” and another bill coming up for a vote in Alabama.

“All of these bills have the same, singular purpose: to make it up to the Supreme Court,” the piece states. “Anti-choice legislators speak with alarming candor and their intentions are very clear. They want to take away all control pregnant people have over their own bodies.”

While organizations and advocacy groups have worked to fight for human rights on bodily autonomy on a legislative level, Milano and Wilson say their proposed #SexStrike aims to hit men where they live.

“We need everyone to be engaged in this assault on our reproductive rights,” they write. “A #SexStrike is another way for people who have the potential to get pregnant to call attention to this systematic onslaught and assert the power to change our own destinies.”

They also addressed critics who said the strike furthered misogynist ideas surrounding women and sex, arguing that lysistratic protest – named for  Aristophanes’ 411 BC play “Lysistrata,” in which the title character suggests withholding sex to end a war – is a “longstanding, effective and empowering method to fight for change” when utilized as part of a “broader strategy of coordinated action.”

Milano and Wilson add, “These attempts to wield control over sex come from a desire to reassert total control over our bodies and our reproductive rights,’ they write. “But really, it’s about power. Whoever controls reproduction has power.”

A #SexStrike, they argue, is a way to target straight, cisgender men so they may feel the physical consequences of our reproductive rights being systematically eliminated.”

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