3 simple tricks to spice up your Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re a living, breathing human, you’re craving intimacy today. But you don’t have to make big plans or shell out to get close to your honey.

Experts from Lifetime shows “Married at First Sight” and “Seven Year Switch” share three simple tricks to try to spice up your V-Day — no shopping required.


“Look each other in the eyes, hold hands and maintain eye contact for two minutes, no talking,” says Jessica Griffin, a psychologist and relationship expert for Lifetime. “We’ve done it as long as four minutes.”

Griffin says there’s scientific evidence that eye-gazing builds a deep connection.

“It actually is quite intimate and it goes back to biology … when you have a new baby, you know, you’re always looking and doing eye contact and the baby’s eyes are fixed on yours,” she says. “And what’s happening is oxytocin is being released in the body. It’s the love hormone, the love chemical, that’s released. And so when you’re grown up, the same principle applies. It might be silly or awkward, but it’s also something that you can bond over, and then it can be quite effective.”

Griffin has prescribed it “every evening, but you could do it a couple of times a week,” she says. “Or just do it once a week as a way to reconnect. You could try it every night for a week and see what you notice.”

Make romance resolutions

“Try starting little traditions on Valentine’s Day,” says Pastor Cal Roberson, a relationship expert on “Married at First Sight.”

“I did this a couple of years ago actually where I started a new habit on Valentine’s Day. I said, ‘You know, from this point on I’m going to open the door for you whenever we are together, always.’ That was sort of my gift that keeps on giving.”

His advice is to pick something small but memorable. Think along the lines of pulling out a chair for your sweetie, or kissing them good night every night.

Interview each other

If you’re in a long-term relationship, revert to questions you might’ve asked when it was new.

“There’s physical intimacy, and then there’s emotional intimacy,” says Griffin. “We strengthen emotional intimacy when we talk about things that are personal to us.”

Griffin’s suggestions include: “What do you see yourself doing five years from now? What’s been your biggest regret in life? What’s one thing you’re most ashamed of? What’s one thing you’re most proud of?”

Of course, if you’re in a new relationship, these questions are great, too. But if you’ve been in it for the long haul, it’s nice to rediscover details about your partner that could get lost in the everyday humdrum.

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