Woman plagued by ‘uncontrollable orgasms’ says car journeys trigger her rare condition – The Sun

A WOMAN plagued by "uncontrollable orgasms" triggered by driving, says the condition has ruined her life.

Known only as Maria, the 61-year-old said even going to a Shania Twain concert made her climax.

Simple daily tasks, including taking the escalator and driving over bumps in the road, leave her aroused.

But she said that arousal comes with no sexual desire or satisfaction, and has turned her into a recluse.

'Botched' smear test

Maria was diagnosed  with persistent genital arousal disorder (PGAD), after a routine smear test in 2017.

She believes it was triggered by the routine check at Glasgow's Stobhill Hospital in September 2017, claiming a consultant "rammed" a speculum into her.

In the weeks after the examination, Maria said she started to notice distressing symptoms, which were eventually diagnosed as PGAD, caused by damage to her pudendal nerve.

'It's like sitting on an ant's nest'

Maria said: "I just didn't know what was happening.

"You've got this great arousal but it's not going anywhere or triggered by anything.

"Most of the time I feel like I am sitting on an ant's nest.

"There's times where it's a tickle all day, but then something sets it off and it's a full-blown orgasm.

"Driving over potholes, aircraft turbulence, escalators, the vibration from violins – I don't know how many women could say they went to a Shania Twain concert and she made them orgasm.

"Ninety per cent of my life has been wrecked and the other ten per cent is not so great either.

"I had to give up volunteering because just moving can set it off.

"One of my friends said to me I'd become a recluse."

Desperate for treatment

The widow, from East Dunbartonshire, fears using Botox as a form of treatment could leave her incontinent.

But other treatments, including numbing gels, pelvic floor physiotherapy and steroid injections directly into her clitoris, have proved ineffective.

Maria, who has adult children, said: "To think that this damage was caused by a consultant's incompetence and then you have incontinence as a result of things you do to try to cure the damage is just ludicrous.

"It's shocking."

She has been lobbying to be referred abroad for treatment, but despite the efforts of her MP and new leader of the Lib Dems, Jo Swinson, the request has been declined by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board.

Instead, the trust has referred her to London for treatment, as Scotland has no specialist in PGAD – which was formally recognised as a disorder in 2013 and affects one per cent of women.

A spokesman for NHS GGC said: "We have explored and exhausted all treatments available locally for this patient and have been unable to relieve their symptoms.


PERSISTENT genital arousal disorder (PGAD) is spontaneous, persistent and unwanted genital arousal without any sexual desire or satisfaction.

Multiple orgasms over hours, days or weeks can be agonising for sufferers, offering no relief.

Scientists do not know what causes the condition, but suspect neurological, vascular, pharmacological or psychological causes may play a role.

Symptoms can persist for long periods of time, and include:

  • pressure
  • pain
  • clitoral throbbing
  • tingling
  • vaginal congestion
  • vaginal contractions
  • spontaneous orgasms

The signs and symptoms can affect the vagina, labia, perineum and anus.

The condition can impact on a sufferer's work and home life, leaving many feeling embarrassed, and avoiding sexual relationships.

"Therefore, we have offered to refer them to a specialist consultant in London."

Ms Swinson said: "It's disappointing that it has taken so long for the health board to acknowledge that they are not able to offer effective treatment themselves.

"However, I am glad to see that things are moving in a positive direction and I hope that this helps to identify a successful treatment plan for Maria."

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