What is the male pill and would the contraceptive jab actually work?
THE contraception industry could be transformed after breakthroughs in a number of male options.
There are currently only two recommended methods of contraception for men – compared to 13 for women – but what exactly are the male contraceptive pill and jab?
What is the male contraceptive pill and how does it work?
The male pill is a form of contraception similar to the female pill, but with one catch – it doesn't formally exist yet.
However, it could be less than five years away thanks to groundbreaking research by British scientists.
In 2016, scientists at Wolverhampton University revealed they had discovered a way to stop sperm swimming.
Tiny compounds switched off the sperm's ability to wiggle, meaning it couldn't reach the female egg to fertilise it and cause pregnancy.
Tests had already shown impressive results.
It was hoped live animal testing would be able to begin in just two to three years – and with new drugs typically able to reach the market in three to five years after animal tests, the male pill could be available as soon as 2021.
However, the final contraceptive may not be a pill at all – researchers said it was "too early" to tell if it will be available as a pill, nasal spray or even a sub-skin implant.
Scientists have also revealed a pioneering new treatment that is a gel that’s injected into a man’s nether regions – blocking sperm and mimicking the effects of a vasectomy.
In January 2018, it was reported that a birth control pill for men had been developed using the poison in darts that can fell an elephant.
Two months later, a pill called dimethandrolone undecanoate – or DMAU – was slated as being "one step closer to reality".
And in March 2019, a drug called 11-beta-MNTDC passed early human trials meaning it could be available within a decade.
It's a modified testosterone that aims to decrease sperm production but preserves libido and the drug's effects were reversed when men stopped the treatment, the scientists discovered.
What is the male contraceptive jab and how does it work?
The male contraceptive jab is a hormone-based injection developed by World Health Organisation researchers in Geneva, Switzerland.
It was revealed after a year-long trial on 320 men found that 96 per cent of couples relying on it to prevent unplanned pregnancies found it to be effective.
The injections contained a long-acting form of progestogen, a hormone that has the effect of blocking sperm production controlled by the pituitary gland – lowering sperm count.
Despite being found almost 100 per cent effective, more work needed to be done to address the side effects which include depression, mood disorders, muscle pain, acne and increased libido.
They caused 20 men to drop out of the trial, including one case of depression, an intentional paracetamol overdose and a case of irregular heart rate.
Experts say the study was effective in proving that it is possible to develop a hormonal contraceptive for men – but it cannot be made widely available until the side effects are addressed.
What other male contraceptives are being researched?
There are lots of ongoing projects but the NHS say there are two particularly "promising" avenues of research.
One is the RISUG, which uses a technique called reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance.
This is when non-toxic synthetic chemicals are injected into the vas deferens, the tube that sperm pass through on their way to the penis. The chemical then reacts and blocks the tube, killing sperm when they come into contact with it.
A variation of this technique is the IVD, which involves injecting a "plug" into the vas deferens.
It then filters out sperm as it passes through and can be removed later.
What male contraceptives are available right now?
The NHS say are only two formal methods of contraception available to men right now: using condoms or having a vasectomy.
Condoms act as a barrier after ejaculation, stopping sperm reaching and fertilising an egg. They are the only way to prevent the spread of STIs.
A vasectomy is a usually permanent surgical procedure which stops sperm being ejaculated from the penis during sex.
Some men also use the "withdrawal method" in a bid to stop their partners getting pregnant, but it is not a recommended method of contraception.
It involves men pulling their penis out of their partner's vagina before ejaculating – but can be ineffective as sperm can be released from the penis before ejaculation.
The Family Planning Association told The Sun: “We welcome continued research into the development of new and safe methods of contraception – the more choices that are available for men and women, the more likely it is that people will find a method which suits them and their lifestyle.
“All methods of contraception that are licensed for use are put through rigorous safety checks, so of course we would echo the researchers saying more work is needed to ensure men using any new methods can be confident that they are safe to use and effective.
“It’s also important to remember that condoms are the only method of contraception that can also help protect against sexually transmitted infections, so even if men were using an injection or pill to prevent pregnancy, they may still need to think about safer sex and how they can stop infections from being passed on.”
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