Weight loss calculator tells you exactly how many calories to cut down to shed pounds

FROM diet fads to different workout styles – there's so much weight loss advice out there.

But if there's one thing that's sure to help you shift the pounds it's knowing exactly how many calories you need to be cutting out.

Losing weight involves many variables that can change from person to person, which means that everyone requires a different calorie intake.

So, if you've been religiously sticking to a diet but not seeing results it might be because you've miscalculated the amount of calories you should be eating.

But if you're wondering how on earth you're supposed to figure this out, then worry not.

Do the maths

Weight loss calculators, like the one from BMI Calculator, are designed to do this for you.

All you have to do is pop in your age, weight, height and gender, as well as how much you want to lose and the amount of daily activity you do and voila!

It will produce the specific amount of calories you need to be eating every day in order to reach your target weight.

Of course, this is based on if you did absolutely no exercise at all so it's important to factor in whether you're burning fat in other ways.

Some weight loss calculators will let you factor this in.

You could try the National Institute of Health's NIH Body Weight Planner, which takes into account your daily activity level before asking whether you're planning to increase your exercise.

Once you've popped in all your details the nifty tool offers three calculations.

First of all it will tell you how many calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight, how much to reach your goal weight and how much you need to eat to maintain your goal weight.

Nitty gritty

Another option is the Precision Nutrition Weight Loss calculator, which works a little differently.

This one takes into account how your metabolism works by giving you the opportunity to "simulate" options.

Here, you put in your goal weight and how long you want to give yourself to reach it and then there's a separate lifestyle change tab so you can get down to the nitty gritty.

But just keep in mind you have to be really honest and if you're not, well, you're only cheating yourself.

Once you've done the maths then you can start working out what you can eat.

Remember, you definitely shouldn't ditch carbs or do anything extreme, but cutting down on processed starchy carbs can be a good idea.

And if you are looking to lose weight but want to feel full after a meal, then there are good alternatives out there.

It's not necessary to weigh out your food, but just getting an eye for portion control can help to work out how much energy you're consuming.

Try bulking out your meals as much as possible with ultra-nutritious, low-calorie, filling vegetables while watching your dressings, cooking oils and protein choices.

That way you'll never feel hungry and tempted to snack – all while getting a good dose of vital vitamins and minerals.

And you can continue to eat what you enjoy.

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