Treat yourself to a cheat day and Olympian Jo Pavey’s other easy tips to get into running – The Sun

RUNNING is possibly the best form of exercise out there – given it's free, you can do it anywhere and it burns more calories than most other forms of fitness.

But while it might be simple, it certainly isn't easy – especially when you're a beginner.

And between injury scares and wanting to stop within the first few metres, there are a lot of things that can put you off heading out on your first run.

Despite this, there are some straightforward tips to follow that will make things easier as you lace up your trainers.

Here none other than Olympic runner Jo Pavey, who is an ambassador for Simplyhealth, has shared her top tips for beginners wanting to get into running.

And as she's best in the business, having become the oldest female European champion in history at the age of 40 years, her advice is guaranteed to work.

1. Get family involved

Jo has revealed it can be a lot easier to get out of the door for a run if you get your family or kids involved.

She says: "A lot of people are really busy with busy lives whether that's with work or family life – I know there are many busy parents like myself who are trying to juggle everything and fit everything in.

"I know sometimes it can be quite daunting setting yourself running goals and how you can fit the running in.

"One of the things I find really motivating is keeping active as a family.

"Me and my family have had a lot of quality time by going out on runs together and we make it a bit more of a full day out by messing around on bikes after too.

"And as runners it's a great opportunity to be a good role model for your children and show them it's fun to be active and part of an active, healthy life."

2. Build up gradually

Jo emphasises the need to take your time with your running and to not be frightened by the fact you might not be able to run very far at first.

The Team GB athlete says: "I'd say build up gradually – I think people get daunted by the fact you may not be able to keep running.

"But you don't need to keep running, you can maybe try and jog for a couple of minutes, walk for a couple of minutes, jog for a couple of minutes and gradually build up your confidence.

"Try to do some of your running on soft surfaces particularly to begin with to protect your bones and muscles and joints from the impact of tarmac."

3. Set a long term goal

Jo admits that getting your trainers laced up can be much easier if you have a tangible goal you're aiming for.

She says: "I think if you set yourself a really long term goal that can help – whether that's to do your first ever 5K or 10K.

"Have that as a flexible goal but a goal there to really motivate yourself and really give yourself a reason to get out the door."

4. Give yourself a cheat day

Despite being a honed Olympic athlete, Jo very much endorses having a cheat day if you're getting into running.

She said: "When you're running you need to make sure you are getting a decent amount of carbohydrate in order to fuel yourself.

"I do give myself a cheat day – I mean pizza is a great carbohydrate and you can always put healthy toppings on it.

"It's all about balance and just generally I've found having that balance in life does me a lot of good.

"But if you're doing a race you need to be more focused on what you're eating.

"Before a race I'll have something simple like some porridge and a banana and maybe a little bit of protein, like a little bit of tuna.

"And in the two or three days before you want to make sure you've had a decent amount of carbohydrate."

5. Mix up the pace

Running can be a lot more fun and interesting if you mix up the pace during your training sessions, according to Jo.

She says: "For beginners you just need to get a bit of a base of running and then when you do get more experienced try and mix the pace up a bit.

"There are things like tempo runs where you run slightly harder for say ten or 20 minutes, so you're really practising that sustained effort.

"And then of course interval sessions, where you're breaking your running up into chunks – and running a bit faster than your goal race pace so your race pace becomes easier."

6. Run in new locations

Jo has found running in beautiful locations has helped motivated her when it comes to running – and she has urged beginners to do the same.

She says: "Switch it up and try and go and run in beautiful or new locations.

"We're lucky here in Devon I can get out on a coastal path or in the forest or down the canal.

"It's lovely to get away from the busy traffic and the buzz of life and that can be really motivating when going out for a run.

"It's not just the fact you're out there running, it means you can take in the scenery too and get some fresh space.

"And I think without running it might be something you don't get round to doing almost."

7. Make it fun

Above everything, if you want to be a runner it should be about enjoyment not just shedding the pounds and weight loss.

Jo says: "Most of all you just need to make your running enjoyable, it's a wonderful sport.

"Try and make it fun for yourself – try and run with a running buddy to keep you motivated.

"Enjoy being part of the running community and you'll meet new people who have the same passions."

Jo is now busy training as she targets a record sixth Olympic Games at Tokyo 2020.

She was the oldest woman to win a European Championships gold when she claimed the 10,000m title in 2014 aged 40 – just 11 months after giving birth.

Jo made her first Olympic appearance at Sydney in 2000 and has qualified for the British team at every Games since.

The mother-of-two will first bid to win a place in the 10,000m at the 2019 World Championships in Doha in September en route to going for the Games in Japan.

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