Parents urged to ditch homeschooling for cuddles, reading and TV in viral post – & they’re praising the calm advice

A CHILDREN’S mental health association has advised that parents should avoid homeschool their kids during isolation to prevent arguments. 

From Friday, UK schools will shut their doors to help stop the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, leaving millions of kids at home full-time with their parents.

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A statement from the Paediatric Mental Health Association released yesterday said: “My advice to parents wanting to homeschool during the school shut down – don’t.

“It’s going to be stressful. If things get worse, you’re going to get stressed, your kids are going to be stressed.”

They added: “Don’t worry about them forgetting. Don’t stress about homeschooling them. Just spend time together. 

“Your kids won’t learn as much if they are stressed. Though this is a scary time, it could very well be a time they remember as the best of their life.”

Instead of forcing kids to do eight hours of schooling, they advised parents “cuddle up” to their kids, read books, make forts, do puzzles, bake, paint and watch TV together. 

However, in contrast with the statement, which has racked up 50,000 shares, the government has said parents should encourage as much educational activity at home as is possible. 

Schools have already been preparing for a shut down for some time, with some creating homework packs or setting up ways of working online.

As well as homework provided by individual schools, the government is working with the BBC to develop resources to keep children stimulated and some e-learning platforms are free resources.

Some parents have even said schooling has helped to keep them "calm" and others said on Facebook their kids actually enjoyed their home lessons.

However, others praised the "calming" advice of ditching homeschooling, with one saying: "100% agree!!! If they were off over the summer they wouldn't be doing all this online work.. Chill out."

Educational psychologist Zubeida Dasgupta has stressed the importance of structure for children. 

She told BBC: “We know when people are faced with uncertainty or worry, having some certainties, for example through a bit of structure, could really help.

“Although on the face of it, some children may feel excited by being off school, the reality is weeks – or months – on end playing Xbox and watching movies may not be as fun as we think.

“It’s about getting a balance – having a structure and integrating some fun. It might be helpful to think about how we distinguish weekdays and weekends.”

What can working parents do?

CAN you get time off work if your children’s school is closed?

Parents are entitled to take time off to look after children — and you can’t face disciplinary action or lose your job.

This is known as “dependant leave” which allows time off to deal with an unexpected problem or emergency.

The downside is that you may not be paid, unless your employer agrees to.

You may be able to negotiate paid time off, but it is down to your employer.

Workers may also be able to negotiate taking time off as holiday or lieu days.

Your employer cannot make you work extra hours or make up the missed time.

CAN you work from home or request flexible working?

The UK government has said everyone should work from home, where possible.

This is only advice, so whether you are allowed to will depend on your employer.

All employees have the right to request flexible working — not just parents.

But you must have been with the same employer for at least 26 weeks.

Employers must assess the advantages and disadvantages, as well as hold a meeting with you to discuss the request.

Flexible working can include working from home, flexitime and job sharing.

Employers can reject the request for a number of reasons, including costs to the business and getting your work covered.

It was announced yesterday that pupils will NOT sit their GCSEs and A-Levels as scheduled in May and June, as schools across the UK will close from Friday until further notice. 

Schools in England and Wales will shut except for looking after the children of keyworkers (eg NHS staff) and vulnerable children.

They could alternatively cancel exams altogether, or get every year group to repeat the school year from September 2020.

The Prime Minister said on Wednesday: "We will make sure their progress will not be impeded.

"We will make sure they will in time get the qualifications they need."

Here are our top tips for encouraging children to study in quarantine.

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