My daughter, 12, has tried to kill herself FIVE times after being bullied at school
Until recently Kara Clarke was a year seven pupil at Duncanrig Secondary School in East Kilbride, Scotland, her mum Josephine Clarke, told the East Kibride News.
But she was removed from school by her mum after reportedly suffering physical, online and verbal bullying “from day one” and is now in the process of being transferred to another school.
Josephine, from Lindsayfield, Scotland, told the newspaper her daughter, who tried to jump off a bridge – an incident Police Scotland are aware of, had even self-harmed at her school.
“The worst attempt was in November when she tried to jump off a bridge at lunchtime,” Josephine said.
“She was kept in hospital for four days. Now she’s self-harming and I’ve had to remove everything from the house and her room that she could use to hurt herself. I don’t want her to become another statistic.”
Kara told the paper: “I’m silently in tears, but it’s not sad tears, it’s more rage.
“The anger that builds up inside scares me. Part of me is happy to be out of the school, but part of me misses being with my friends."
A picture Kara drew showed a blonde-haired girl half in black and half in coloured clothes as she cried – a monster-like figure lurking over her shoulder with the word ‘depression’ on his forehead, his hand grasping her arm.
A speech bubble coming from her mouth said: "I'm sick of this."
The Scottish paper reported Kara’s school had held an assembly discussing bullying, but didn’t specifically mention any incidents.
Head of education for South Lanarkshire Council Lynn Sherry, who cover the area where Kara attends school, told Fabulous Digital: “Anyone reading this story cannot fail to see that this is about the mental health and wellbeing of a very vulnerable young person.
“There are genuine concerns that this sort of public exposure can only add to that vulnerability.
"We fully understand and share the concerns raised by the mum about her daughter, and would like to make it clear there has been significant ongoing support from the school and health colleagues over a period of time to help deal with the mental health and wellbeing of this vulnerable young girl."
She continued: “This will continue to be the case with the school pursuing expert help.”
Fabulous Digital has made attempts to contact the school directly this morning.
If you are worried about yourself or anyone close to you contact Childline on 0800 1111 or the Samaritans on 116 123.
In an emergency call 999.
A mum who released a heart-wrenching picture of her daughter in hospital 'sick' from bullying received global support.
Meanwhile First Dates star Jay Watkins was bullied for his burns but now embraces them through tattoos.
In 2016, The Sun Online launched its Block The Bullying Campaign with the NSPCC.
Our aim is to educate children, parents and schools about the horrendous effect bullying can have on children.
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