Kerry King reveals what the Universe has in store for you this week… according to Tarot
Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last 20 years, starting from reading for friends to amassing an international client list.
Using her strong intuition and deep knowledge and understanding of the horoscope, she is able to provide accurate and encouraging predictions for the coming days.
Here's her predictions for YOUR star sign…
Aries – (Six of Coins, Eight of Swords, King of Coins)
You’re a generous person by nature, always ready to help other people and do whatever you can to make the world a bit brighter. And whatever ruts or frustrating episodes you feel embroiled in
right now, as shown by the Eight of Swords, the way out is to focus on things outside of yourself. The Six of Coins is the “good karma” card and hints that focussing on what you can do for others this week will bring two rewards.
Firstly, distraction. And if you’re not actively thinking about “it” then I bet you a new solution or insight pops into your head by magic.
Secondly, you’re emitting good vibes into the Universe which will be transformed and returned to you in a different guise at a later date.
The King of Coins promises your efforts will be handsomely rewarded, so go large! Put the effort to brighten someone else’s week, and funnily enough it will brighten yours even more!
Taurus – (Four of Coins, Judgment, Six of Wands)
Despite your reluctance, the process of closing the door and releasing things from your life which have felt difficult or draining is actually the very best thing for you right now.
The Four of Coins hints at your typical Taurean stubbornness, and possessiveness (you hate letting things go, even if you don’t really want them anymore!)
But, my friend, Judgment is here. And this is a wonderful card of release, like a “wake up call” from the Universe to a new chapter which is bright and hopeful.
Whatever you let go of, you WILL get a second chance at something even better.
You will feel lighter and brighter. You will see the “you-shaped” niche which you long to occupy, rather than being twisted in a shape that doesn’t suit you.
The Six of Wands is like a “cheerleader” card, urging and encouraging you onwards, shouting how great you are, how you’ve “got” this, and that you will not regret any of it or look back in anger.
Look forwards, let go, move on.
Gemini – (Temperance, Three of Wands, The Chariot)
Opportunity is such a fragile thing isn’t it. Offers and invitations are sometimes almost only half- glimpsed, and it’s as much up to us to lean into them and draw them forth.
You can’t sit back and wait for the world to come to you! Remember that, Gemmy, this week.
The Three of Wands is like that fleeting window of opportunity, which will close as swiftly as it opens, if you don’t react fast. The Chariot hints that it concerns a journey, a trip, an adventure or even a change of your location!
So, be on your red alert for things which may connect to the travelling theme.
Temperance shows this has the potential to change your life, to create a “new normal” in your world.
External influences and changes of scenery are probably the biggest impacts on our internal beliefs and mindset.
Whatever you get a chance to do, this week, has implications beyond just the experience in itself.
See those possibilities, be hopeful, lean in and seize the day!
Cancer – (King of Swords, Ten of Wands, Seven of Swords)
You’re feeling a bit over-burdened and overwhelmed by everything going on right now, as shown by the Ten of Wands.
Importantly, the King of Swords is also in town and has made you realise that, if you don’t free up some time and space for yourself, this is only going to continue (and worsen).
This King can help us see into the future, to plot the pathway of our current trajectory, and understand the consequences that today has on tomorrow.
No thanks, you think. So. What to do? Well, it’s time (I think you’ll like this…) to be a bit sneaky.
The Seven of Swords sees you putting your “less is more” strategy into action, without necessarily telling anyone overtly what you’re doing.
Start to ditch, delegate and delay things which are not part of your core ambitions, or you don’t enjoy. Let go, release, slip away.
Do it on the down-low and there won’t be any “blow back”. And you, my friend, will feel MUCH better.
Leo – (Nine of Cups, The Empress, Five of Wands)
You’ve got your heart set on something (it’s always your heart that leads you, Leo) as shown by the magical combination of The Empress and the Nine of Cups.
It COULD be anything from a decision to start a family, get married, “nest” with a partner, move to the countryside, go on a lengthy expedition around some amazing natural landscapes, get a new pet or start to take your creative talents more seriously and get some training… Whatever floats your boat!
Great. But, guess what. Someone or something is in your way, as shown by the pesky Five of Wands.
There’s something to be dealt with and overcome before you can embrace your dream.
Perhaps you need to persuade a reluctant stake holder, cajole a bank manager, charm a partner, increase a necessary resource (i.e. save up).
It may peeve you, because you’re all happy and optimistic about this, but crack on and sort it out. No time like the present.
Virgo – (The Tower, Four of Wands, Page of Cups)
You’ve been making great progress recently, as shown by the clapping and smiling Four of Wands- “high five, Virgo” it says, because you deserve rewards for your efforts… and they WILL be coming but first there’s a mini crisis to deal with.
The Tower is a tough card and represents sudden and dramatic twists of fate which rattle us.
In hindsight, we will see it all happened for a reason / for the best, but the darned “unexpectedness” of it still causes some friction (although NOW you have had a heads up).
Don’t worry about it because all that will be asked of you is emotional resilience and empathy- as shown by the Page of Cups.
Give others the benefit of the doubt, try to see their side of things, put yourself in their shoes. Seek to understand before you decide on your course of action.
And, when you do, remember all your efforts so far.
Don’t have a strop and throw it all away or run off to embark on something else… keep calm and carry on.
This was just a blip and those rewards still await you. Get back on track.
Libra- (Nine of Coins, Eight of Coins, Knight of Cups)
Training, refining or acquiring a new skill, lesson or talent are on the cards for you this week, Libra, with the studious Eight of Coins.
You tend to get this card quite often, you know, and it’s because you ARE clever and curious. Knowledge is power, and you like stockpiling it!
The Nine of Coins shows that this endeavour has long-term benefits and may feather your nest in the future, perhaps as a career twist or advancement.
So, trust that this investment in your intellect will have financial reward if you can utilise it in your everyday life. Reflect upon that.
The Knight of Cups hints at adventure, fun, social connections and new opportunity.
So, although solo learning isn’t out of scope, perhaps joining a lecture, workshop, or face-to-face course would be the best of options.
Doing stuff with other people, learning together, building a new network. So, thinking cap on!
Scorpio – (Queen of Coins, Four of Swords, Knight of Coins)
Man alive, you won’t believe this, but there ARE other people in your life who think they know best! AAARGH.
The Queen and Knight of Coins represent well-meaning (*interfering*) friends, colleagues or family who have got a bit of a bee in their bonnet about what you OUGHT to be doing.
It’s enough to drive you mad. And you’re itching to give them Scorpio vibes i.e. back OFF.
Now then, calm down my friend. They DO have your best interests at heart, so don’t think too badly of their efforts.
However, the Four of Swords has the answer here, one which will avoid conflict or rows.
It gives you a “sick note” from the Universe, take a time out, go chill, “ghost” for a week and stay out of arm’s reach of the do-gooders. If you can’t be reached, you can’t be bothered by it all.
A little bit of breathing space will give you ALL time to reflect on your behaviour, and also distract you ALL with other stuff.
Because there’s more going on that this, frankly. Get it back in perspective. Go chill out.
Sagittarius (Six of Swords, Nine of Swords, Knight of Wands)
You’ve got a big heart, and people are often surprised (due to your happy-go-lucky outward charm) that you worry so much about things.
The Six and Nine of Swords combine forces this week to suggest you’re whittling about the prospect of change, of what might unfold in the future, and of the things you feel you’re going to end up HAVING to do.
Resistance can make for an unwelcome companion, triggering fluttery feelings in the pit of our stomach, and yours is churning at what might
lie ahead.
Sagittarius, there is a way through this! And the Knight of Wands compels you to retell this story to yourself as an ADVENTURE.
You’re going on a mission, a quest- it might be dangerous (your ears prick up, you LOVE danger!). Challenges will arise, but your heroism and pluck will see them off.
There are rewards, applause and unexpected gifts ahead, there is new landscape to explore and fresh faces to greet.
Whatever lies in front of you- you’re ready, you’re willing and able.
Jump in, and write your own story here. Stop fretting.
Capricorn (Seven of Cups, Three of Coins, Queen of Swords)
A burst of imaginative insight and a flurry of new ideas surges through you this week, with the creative Seven of Cups.
Keep a notebook handy, because you need to capture these thoughts, they are precious and important!
The Three of Coins hints that they point the way to progress in the future, to your next ambitious leap, to the way UP on life’s ladder.
Others DO notice your intent and conscientiousness, you know, even if things do go awry from time to time.
Overall, you’re on track, and help will emerge when you least expect it, simply because your consistent hard work and effort commands the respect and goodwill of others.
In this instance, though, the Queen of Swords shows this move will come from you, and you alone.
Which of your bright ideas will prove the catalyst for something new? What will you do?
How will you make it happen? Over to you, my Capricorn friend.
Aquarius (Eight of Wands, Six of Cups, Five of Swords)
A bit of a fast and furious week for you, Aquarius! New news will fly in, unexpectedly and swiftly, with the fleet-footed Eight of Wands.
Expect an email, phone call, or impromptu meeting which provides an offer you really shouldn’t refuse (*SPOILER* then don’t!).
It’s something related to someone or something from your past- maybe an old friend, colleague, employer, partner… and also something you’re pleased to see once more!
There is affection and good will here, so don’t worry that this reunion is a bad thing, it’s not. However, it may cause you to question some of your current relationships or commitments.
And, because the Five of Swords is a challenging card, it may ask you to cut ties somewhere in order to pursue the new “blast from the past” opportunity under your nose.
What will you do? Go for it.
Pisces (Five of Cups, King of Coins, Eight of Swords)
There’s nostalgia in the air this week, Pisces, with the ever-so-slightly teary-eyed Five of Cups.
Perhaps you’re mourning someone you lost and always think of come this time of year, perhaps it’s a friendship or relationship you valued once-upon-a-time, but has fallen to the wayside.
We all get blindsided by regret occasionally. BUT, don’t dwell in the emotional quicksand or you’ll go under, my friend.
The Eight of Swords warns of looking backwards too much. Stare at the past and that is the direction you’ll go in.
And that’s not what we want. Onwards and upwards is the way, acknowledging where you’ve come from, but using your energy and resources to focus on making the most of what’s right under your nose NOW.
Because everything becomes “the past” eventually, anyway.
The King of Coins lends you some “stiff upper lip” and inner resilience. Sigh and remember, but then smile and anticipate what’s ahead.
Pick yourself up and carry on, there’s so much in your life to appreciate and enjoy.
Kerry King uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world.
You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at
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