Woman Learns Eye Irritation Is Really BEES LIVING IN HER EYE!!!

Ever see one of those I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant stories and think, “HOW?!”

Well, this is kind of like that. Only it was this woman’s eye that was pregnant. Pregnant with bees.

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A 28-year-old woman in Taiwan went to the doctor after getting what she assumed was a piece of dirt in her eye.

A doctor was shocked to find the irritant was actually FOUR BEES which had been living in her eye!

The woman, identified only as Ms. He, was pulling weeds when a gust of wind blew something into her eye.

As you would probably do, she assumed it was dirt or dust and went home hoping it would work itself out. But hours later her eyes were swollen and hurting, so she went to the hospital.

What the doctor found was just so horrifying…

The ophthalmology professor, Dr. Hong, recounts to BBC News:

“She couldn’t completely close her eyes. I looked into the gap with a microscope and saw something black that looked like an insect leg.”


OK, go on…

“I grabbed the leg and very slowly took one out, then I saw another one, and another and another. They were still intact and all alive.”

The insects turned out to be something called sweat bees, a lesser known (and typically harmless) species. As Dr. Hong explains:

“These bees don’t usually attack people but they like drinking sweat, hence their name.”

Here’s the kicker — instead of sweat, they were feasting on… the woman’s tears!

And if you thought “living off her tears” sounded like Evanescence lyrics, the weeding the woman was doing? It was in a cemetery!

No, she wasn’t getting her goth on. Ms. He was participating in the annual Chinese tomb-sweeping festival Qing Ming, in which next of kin clean the graves of their deceased loved ones.

Isn’t that nice?

And in a way it’s like her ancestors were looking out for her.

We know it doesn’t seem that way at first look, but Dr. Hong says Ms. He was actually “lucky”:

“She was wearing contact lenses so she didn’t dare to rub her eyes in case she broke the lens. If she did she could have induced the bees to produce venom… she could have gone blind.”


Oh, if you’re wondering what they did with the bees? They’re fine, too, believe it or not!

Dr. Hong reveals:

“They are still alive, they’ve been sent as specimens to another organisation and will be studied. This is the first time in Taiwan we’ve seen something like this.”

For those who can stomach it — and just have to see for themselves — photos from the examination were shown on Taiwanese TV, and they are… yep.

Bees living in a woman’s eye.

Ch-ch-check out the pics (below)!

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