‘The Perfectionists’ Delivers Heartbreaking Emison Update


Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists decided to drop a bombshell on fans last night – Alison and Emily are getting a divorce.

If you missed the episode, let us tell you what happened and shattered our hearts in the process.

The truth about Ali and Emily’s relationship came to light after Ali saw a pic of Emily with their twins on Instagram and noticed that Emily’s no longer wearing her ring.

“I convinced myself that I came here with a clean slate, that I could prove to Emily that I could live a trustworthy life, maybe win her back,” Alison shared while talking with Mona. “But I realize the truth is, it was just too hard to be there, close to her, knowing that we wouldn’t be together.”

Alison also gave Caitlin advice later on in the ep, while talking about the importance of telling the truth in every situation.

“I can’t in good conscience tell you to lie to somebody you love. A relationship is built on trust. I’ve been in your position, and I’ve lied. It ruined us, but keeping her safe was more important to me.”

Then, Alison signed the divorce papers Emily sent over, and took off her own ring. The reason for the split was that “this marriage is irrevocably broken.”

If you’re bawling buckets, we’ll join you!

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