The Human Ken Doll undergoes controversial surgery to look like a ‘sexy cat’

Rodrigo Alves, better known as ‘The Human Ken Doll’, has undergone his 70th surgery to reshape his eyes and give them a ‘sexy smouldering look.’

It was the third time the former Celebrity Big Brother star went under the knife this month alone, having previously had numerous lifts, replacing a chin implant and a nose job to help him breathe.

Rodrigo, 35, jetted off to Tehran, Iran, for the controversial surgery which he hopes will help in his latest quest for pop stardom.

The plastic performer, who has £600,000 worth of body modifications, will perform at the Eurovision Song Contest opening party in May.

He is also preparing to release his first Aqua ‘Barbie Girl’ inspired song, called ‘Plastic World’ – about his many surgeries.

Rodrigo said: "“I had very the very controversial canthopexy surgery. No one has cat eyes unless they have had work done to make them look like a cat.

“It makes your eyes look sexy, more awake and if you are using make-up, it can enhance their look even more.

“My surgeon cutaway the skin and removed it, then he pulled the muscles together.

“Now I can’t close my eyes and need medication drops while I recover."

Comparing himself to ‘The Bionic Man,’ Rodrigo said he was healing quickly.

"Thanks to so much hyperbaric oxygen therapy and my face lift has already healed

“Whenever I nap now, I struggle to close my eyes properly, they don’t shut 100% like normal but eventually they will.

“I have had this work in-preparation for performing at the Eurovision opening party and have been trying to turn myself into a pop icon.

“I want to transform myself from Ken Doll to looking like a pop star, I’m changing my wardrobe, my look and haircut.

“I want to look less boring, I don’t want to look like a 35-year-old.

“My song ‘Plastic World’ celebrates those who have had body modifications to be happy, to help them own it and live life.

“It’s a very cheesy pop-song, it’s like Barbie Girl by Aqua, but now this song is from the Ken Doll instead.”

After waking-up from the fourth surgery to his chin two weeks ago with Dr. Shahriar Ilkhani from Parisian Beauty, Rodrigo realised it looked too big.

Eventually he realised, while under deepening sedation prior to the operation that he selected the wrong silicone implant and has since had it altered this week [MON].

Rodrigo said: “I was brought lots of different silicone implants but by then I was groggy and drunk from the sedation and picked the wrong one.

“When I woke up, I realised it wasn’t the one I wanted and was far too big, so I made my surgeon Dr. Shahriar Ilkhani change it for me.

“I now have a diamond shaped chin that looks good and I’m very happy.”

Rodrigo’s most recent surgery on Wednesday with Dr. Moslem Ghobadi marks his 70th in total and third time under anaesthetic in a month.

But he believes he is healing well with his recovery has been sped-up by hyperbaric oxygen therapy – a treatment that allows the body to take in more oxygen – promoting stem cell developed to repair damage inside the body.

This treatment is usually reserved for divers suffering from ‘the bends’, also known as decompression sickness (DCS), and people with diabetes, whose bodies struggle to heal from wounds.

Rodrigo said: “Three lots of general anaesthetic in a month is not very good or healthy, now I have to rest, follow a diet routine, minerals and vitamins.

“During my time in Iran, I have had a temple life, cheek lift, middle facelift, lip lift and my nose reconstructed from cartilage, which has saved my breathing.

“I did some research and while a Harley Street doctor does nose operations three or four times a week, a surgeon out here in Iran does it three or four times a day.

“Practice makes perfect, we all know a person is much better in their jobs if they practice it a lot.”

During his recovery, Rodrigo reports to have put on two stone (28lbs) as he is rarely active, constantly eating room service, or in the clinic.

He hopes to shed the excess weight before his performance at Eurovision, claiming he will ‘wow’ viewers with his singing, dancing and entertaining flare.

Rodrigo said: “My song is pop and fun, it gives the people want they expect from a popstar who can sing, dance and entertain.

“My music will inspire people to follow their dreams, to do what they want without being judged.

“Everyone is afraid of being judged, regardless of whether they have had surgery or not.

“I encourage safe plastic surgery if it will benefit them, but I always think people should be educated.

“I have a degree and can speak five languages, so it’s not all about my surgery, I can also sing and dance too because I’m hardworking and dedicated.”

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