Outlander’s Sam Heughan Denies Claims a Fan Touched Him After Misleading Video Circulates

A video circulated of Sam Heughan, the star of Starz’s Outlander, on stage at Wizard World in New Orleans this weekend that had some fans concerned.

However, Sam himself is clearing up everything. The video appeared to show a woman grabbing Sam‘s behind but Sam quickly took to Twitter to clarify that is not the case.

“No one touched me. Video is misleading, taken out of context. We were playing a game, trying to put each other off. I pushed her and totally would have done anything to win! Which I did… ahem… A wonderful day! Appreciate the concern but nothing happened here.x,” Sam posted on his Twitter. “Nothing happened. I was there. She made a gesture. In jest. I think everyone should calm down. X”

A fan also shared an angle of the video which Sam retweeted, showing that there was no touching involved.

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