Night Crumbs

Soon-to-be ginger daddy Prince Hot Ginge visited the YMCA in South Ealing and met parents and children including this little baby who lit up his entire face with cheesiness. This really makes me want a child of my own. No, not because there’s a part of me that wants to experience the fulfillment of fatherhood, or whatever. Gross, no. I want a child so that I can move to Britain, drag that kid to every event where PHG is going to be, and pray that he goo goo gagas at my baby so that I can suggest that we meet up for a playdate. I’ll say, “Why don’t we meet up for a playdate but we can leave the annoying kids at home and instead bring two bottles of wine and some-” You’ll never know what I say next because the bobbies tackled my baby and me and threw us out of there – Lainey Gossip

Never mind Ashlee Simpson’s sparkly nips, what in gay Hugh Hefner HELL is Diana Ross’ son wearing? – Drunken Stepfather

Isla Fisher has never looked hotter and I’m only saying that because she’s giving me Sammy Jo from Dynasty hitting the club – Popoholic

So Cats the movie is going to be more of a fuckery fest than Cats the stage production and I can’t wait. Hit up your dealer and order your acid now! – Pajiba

Portia de Rossi is going to have to find a new rich ladies who lunch spot because Ellen DeGeneres is boycotting The Beverly Hills Hotel too – Towleroad

…which means Anna Faris will be engaged in 3..2.. – Celebitchy

Since every single actor on the planet is in a Marvel movie, Rachel Weisz has decided to give a Marvel movie a go – Just Jared

Pic: Getty

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