‘New Avengers: Endgame’ footage released as tickets go on sale, crashing ticket sites

We are only just over three weeks away from the release of Avengers: Endgame. Are you excited? I am. Even though I am looking forward to the film, I was smart enough to stay THE HELL away from trying to buy tickets, which went on sale yesterday. Every site selling them either crashed or had excruciating hold times. And if you were super lucky, you sat through an excruciating wait time only to then have the site crash – fun! One the one hand, most of us predicted this would happen and held off buying our tickets. On the other, it’s not like these site didn’t know this was coming. Twitter, as always, made it almost worth it:

— Presentation Michael (@Kurisu______) April 2, 2019

— Jonas Myron (@IamBrownKid) April 2, 2019

— Eric Hubbs (@BarstoolHubbs) April 2, 2019

— Movie Thoughts w/ Nolan (@NolanOnFilm) April 2, 2019

This all begs the question: will this three plus hour film be worth it? Well, they dropped some new footage yesterday so let’s decide:

I am in the thick of getting my house ready to put on the market, I cannot tell you how much I needed this. Maybe it’s exhaustion but the new footage just claimed all my feels. First they reminded us how sad we are, because everyone is dead. And the dead were the Avengers friends, so Rocket’s having a good cry with Nebula while Tony looks wistfully at Peter’s photo because, again – dead. Plus, there’s the Not Dead (yet?), who are hot and have great biceps. They used the same scene of Captain Marvel as before because they can’t tell you how badly she is going to f—k Thanos up outright, but we know she is. Thanos is there, because everyone was ticked off he wasn’t in the first trailer. The cappers were the shot of the Tony/Cap/Thor trio walking into the battlefield and the “Tony and Steve are back together!” scene we wanted so desperately. Can you imagine how much more this film has in it that they can put the Tony/Cap handshake right there in the trailer?

Oh, and if all of that wasn’t enough to twist your heart in a knot – Joe Russo confirmed that Endgame will have Stan Lee’s final cameo. Me and the Avenger’s friends – we are all dead. I was just on the phone with my real estate agent making arrangements for Open Houses. She told me she’d need the house for at least three hours for each showing. Huh, whatever could I do for three hours every weekend day?

— Chithirai vel (@Chithiraivel2) April 2, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) March 26, 2019

Photo credit: Marvel, Twitter and YouTube

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