Lili Reinhart Says She Feels 'Like a Prisoner' Filming 'Riverdale'

Lili Reinhart is getting candid about the filming process for Riverdale amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The 23-year-old CW star has returned to Canada to finish the final episodes of season 4 of the hit series and to start on season 5. 

“We stopped during the prom episode, so I have to fit back in that prom dress. Five months later, we’re all going to be tan, maybe a little bit thicker,” she tells Nylon magazine in a new interview. “I certainly am.” 

The show will then feature a seven-year time jump in season 5. The series will continue to film in Vancouver and the cast has to stay on location without breaks until Christmas due to COVID-19. 

“I genuinely feel like a prisoner, going back to work, because I cannot leave Canada,” Reinhart admits. “That doesn’t feel good. You can’t go home for Thanksgiving, can’t visit your family. No one can come visit you unless they quarantine for two weeks. It just feels f**ked.”

Quarantine has been a difficult time for Reinhart and one of self discovery as well. 

“At the beginning of this pandemic, I felt very lost,” the actress says. “I felt very sad and hopeless, because of personal things that were happening in my life. Instead of distracting myself, f**king random people and doing drugs and drinking my problems away, I chose the harder route, which was to not distract myself. I was like, ‘I’m not doing that. I’m going to go through the next however many months of s**t, pure s**t, awful, crying every day, but the necessary work.’”

Though Reinhart references personal struggles, she does not say that they are the result of her split from Riverdale co-star Cole Sprouse. In a previous interview, Reinhart opened up about her depression and later slammed other headlines for claiming her quotes referenced her breakup.

“Quotes taken from my most recent interview are not about a ‘breakup.’ They are about the depression I’ve felt over these last few months. Tired of people taking my words out of context and piecing together their own story for clickbait,” she tweeted. “I would never speak so candidly about something as personal as a breakup. That’s incredibly private. I was addressing my depression.”

Sprouse also posted about the split on Instagram shortly after, writing, “Lili and I initially separated in January of this year, deciding to more permanently split in March. What an incredible experience I had, I’ll always feel lucky and cherish that I had the chance to fall in love. I wish her nothing but the utmost love and happiness moving forward. All I’ll say about it, anything else you hear doesn’t matter.”

In her Nylon interview, Reinhart opens up about the importance of loving herself. 

“I’ve been through some s**t, the last year, a lot of loss,” she says. “I needed to learn self-love, basically. It’s a very hard thing to do. How the f**k do you love yourself?”

For more from the star, watch the clip below: 

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