Jennifer Aniston Had a Delightful Reaction to Brad Pitt's Joke About Dating in the Spotlight

We’re not even one week into 2020 and Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are already in the running for the best, most influential reunion of the year, which he said he’d be cool with, for the record.

It’s been over a decade since Brad and Jen called it quits amid that cheating scandal with Angelina Jolie (she denied it to Marie Claire in 2005), and the world continues to ship the The Morning Show and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood actors, who are currently in the same room at the same time. (Yes, they’ve technically been friends again for three years now, but this is the first time we get to see them together with our own eyes.)

So once Brad won an award for his role in OUATIH, he got up on stage and delivered a perfect acceptance speech in which he revealed his nickname for Leonardo DiCaprio (LDC) and joked about dating while in the spotlight. Toward the end of his allotted time, Brad said he wanted to bring his mom as his plus one but decided against it because tabloids would make up a ridiculous story about how they’re dating. Needless to say, that would be bad. When he said this, though, the wonderful cameraperson panned over to Jennifer to show her reaction, which is what everyone wanted to see. Let’s just be real, okay!


Anyway, Jen laughed (and okay, maybe cringed a little) through that bit, and now I’m being tasked with not shipping them even more despite several instincts telling me not to.

And unfortunately for anyone who is tired of hearing rumors of Brad and Jen getting back together, those aren’t slowing down anytime soon. Brad went to her 50th birthday party in February, and in December, Jen invited Brad to her holiday party at her Bel Air home—he was one of the first to arrive and last to leave. Even more interesting, an Us Weekly source recently said, “A reason Brad and Jen get along so well now is that they’ve agreed to bury the past and not analyze what went wrong. They’re both looking forward, not back.”

Well, that bodes well for any friendship or potential romantic reunion in the future!

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