Gemma Collins goes healthy and vegan in 2020 with a 1000 cal meal

Gemma Collins has vowed to live a meatless life as she gives her diet a vegan overhaul and hopes to reap the benefits of healthier living.

The 38-year-old The Only Way Is Essex star has declared she’s giving up meat for the year – but has conceded she will continue to treat herself to naughty snacks as well.

Taking to Instagram on Thursday evening, The GC showed off her cooking skills as she told her fans and followers of her new approach to dining.

And joined by a male friend, she set to work chopping, steaming, boiling and frying up a huge meal to celebrate her new regime.

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“So this is second of Jan, or third of Jan – I’ve lost all track of days,” she laughed as she admitted the festive season had left her out of touch with the diary.

“We have gone fully vegetarian – well, Russel’s a vegan,” she said as she filmed herself and her friend getting to work in the kitchen.

“Tofu we’ve got. I’m joining in. We’ve got Tofu… I’m doing this. This is the year of not eating meat. I don’t feel good [when eating meat],” she continued.

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“We are on a massive health kick in this house. We are going to have a slice of garlic bread, I’m not going to lie,” she went on – revealing her meal would not be completely devoid of a fatty side dish.

“We have brown fussily pasta. How about some Brussels in it? We’ve got a lot of Brussels left over from Christmas, we we’ll put some of that in,” she declared.

“If any of you are out there thinking ‘I want to change for the better. I want to cut down on meat’, I’m going to show you how to cook this recipe,” she went on – before chopping ginger, sprouts, garlic bread an tofu.

The meal is believed to weight in at just under 1000 calories – which is half the daily recommended amount for women.

Brown pasta is 290 calories per 90g serving, tofu clocks up 117 calories per 81g serving, and sprouts are 43 calories per 100g serving.

Garlic bread would count for 136 calories per serving, while pest is 283 calories per 100g serving and roasted peanuts clock up a further 100 calories – brining the total calorie count of the meal to 969.

While the meal no doubt tasted delightful, Gemma picked out one ingredient in particular that she was looking forward to swallowing down.

“Guys, Brussels are totally underrated. They are stunning. Eat Brussels!” she advised.

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