Game of Thrones death predictions: who will survive the battle of Winterfell?

SPOILERS for Game of Thrones

Now that we’ve had all of the wonderful, intimate moments between beloved characters in Episode 2, it’s time to prepare ourselves for everyone dying grisly deaths in Winterfell. I tend to believe that George RR Martin has set up a series of either/or situations for certain character pairs: Tyrion or Jaime Lannister will survive but not both. Brienne or Pod will survive but not both. Grey Worm or Missandei will survive but not both. Sansa or Arya will survive but not both. Other characters will be killed off willy-nilly, I think – it breaks my heart, but I don’t see how Tormund, Jorah and Edd could all end up surviving. In fact, I feel like Jorah and Edd are for-sure going to die.

Anyway, the Hollywood Reporter has other ideas. They did a “death predictions” piece and I strongly disagree with many of their assumptions or predictions. You can read the full piece here, some highlights:

Who will NOT die: We’re not going to lose Jon Snow (Kit Harington) or Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) during the final season’s midpoint. Tyrion and his brother Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) won’t die without some further reckoning with Cersei (Lena Headey), who is also safe, thanks to her current position in King’s Landing.

Grey Worm & Missandei: The Unsullied commander is on the front lines of the war. His death at the hands of the wights is as likely as anyone. Further sealing the deal: his scene in “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” with…Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel). Her conversation with Grey Worm about retreating to Naath after the battle was as clear a sign of their impending demise as it gets. Sure, one of them may survive while the other perishes. If it’s one over the other, it’s Grey Worm. Sadly, we think it’s both.

Gilly and Baby Sam. I predicted their survival ahead of the season, but when I say everyone in the crypt is going to die, I really mean it.

Varys (Conleth Hill). The Spider will crawl no more after next week’s episode… Bonus prediction: Varys will be responsible for helping Tyrion escape from the crypt with his life intact. That’s how he protects the realm — by protecting the realm’s most brilliant brain.

Dolorous Edd (Ben Crompton). One of the last men of the Night’s Watch still standing. The acting Lord Commander will see his watch ended at the Battle of Winterfell.

Ghost. Good news! The direwolf returned in “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” albeit in blink and you’ll miss it fashion. Bad news! We blinked, and soon, he’s about to be gone.

Podrick Payne (Daniel Portman). Good enough fighter. Lovely singing voice. Not enough to keep him alive.

Ser Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie). On the bright side, she’s now a knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a title she earned in one of the single happiest scenes in Thrones history. It’s a perfect setup for one of the deadliest deaths in Thrones history.

Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen). It’s time. The Iron Islander volunteered for guard duty to defend the Three-Eyed Raven from the Night King. There’s zero chance he makes it out alive.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

See, I really think there’s a good chance Jaime dies beside Brienne in the third episode, I really do. And I think Podrick survives. Who else? Theon, I agree, will die protecting Bran. Edd will die protecting Jon probably. The Varys thing is intersting… maybe. Varys was barely in the second episode, which was definitely weird. If Ghost dies… my God, I will riot in the street. And FFS, I definitely think Gilly and Sam will survive. Gilly survives everything. She’s probably Azor Ahai, lmao.

Also dying: probably the Hound. Definitely Beric. Gendry too, maybe?

Photos courtesy of HBO/Game of Thrones.

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