Gabrielle Union’s Uber driver took 15 minutes in her bathroom

At least all the bs that happened to Gabrielle Union at America’s Got Talent didn’t rob her of her sense of humor. After a tumultuous year of being punished for speaking up for what’s right, Gabrielle set out to ring in the New Year like most folks. And, like most folks, she braved Uber’s surge pricing to get home safely. Only Gabriele’s NYE trip took and interesting turn, one in which her Uber driver left a lasting impression… in her restroom. Gabrielle posted this tweet Tuesday night:

— Gabrielle Union (@itsgabrielleu) January 1, 2020

I’ll admit, I never considered what a Lyft/Uber driver does when they need to use a restroom (I rarely use them). I have no idea what I would do if a driver asked to use mine. I guess it would depend on my gut feeling and who was in the house at the time. My guess is that Gabrielle felt safe enough to allow it. And she was very generous to allow it. But I feel kind of bad for the poor driver. I love Gabrielle, as you know, but I’m not sure I see her reason for posting this. Like, there was only one of two options of what he needed to do in there if he had to go. Shouldn’t she have been kind of prepared? From the information provided, there’s a lot to indicate that this was a pressing matter for the guy, so it’s not like he had a choice. And if he’d waited and had an accident in his car, that would take him out of rotation for what was probably a very lucrative night. Maybe it was the amount of time he took – she thought it would be a minute and it turned into 15. Maybe the guy said/did something questionable after. Maybe she felt pressured in some way to say yes – I don’t know. I want there to be a reason to embarrass someone like this. As for official policy, Uber/Lyft encourage drivers to take bathroom breaks (presumably in public restrooms), but they have no rules about asking their customers to use theirs. And the other options seem just as bad.

An alternate, and hilarious, theory posed by those commenting on the Tweet is that this is what this guy does on NYE, like a bucket list – which celebrity’s bathroom will I poop in to start the year? There’s a scrapbook I never want to see.

However, I am thrilled to know Gabrielle is a woman after my own heart. Obviously, she wrote and posted this text after the fact. Notice it is time-stamped at 9:40PM on December 31st. So Gabrielle had been out, celebrated enough to need a ride home and was contently tweeting, probably in comfy pjs, but 9:30 on New Year’s Eve. I’ll bet she was in bed by 10 – now that’s my kind of New Year Eve celebration. JK – I never even left my house.

Photo credit: Instagram and WENN Photos

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